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Totallympics Superstar
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    intoronto reacted to hckošice in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    welcome in the club
  2. Like
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    No it's all coincidence 
  3. Like
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Dutch interviewer asking Makwala in the mixed zone: "Are you sad you didn't get a medal in the end?" 
    No, I'm sure he's dancing in the streets to celebrate his not winning a medal! 
  4. Like
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Azerbaijani winning for Turkey, this is freaking hilarious  
  5. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from Майкл in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Stop this spam
  6. Like
    intoronto reacted to tuniscof in [PREDICTION CONTESTS] Discussion Thread   
    @bestmen you are the only one complaining  here, have some patience and remember i'm not a robot either... the results will come soon !!!!
    first i need to post the results of Tour de France, then swimming then Women's Euro then Athletics ...
  7. Like
    intoronto reacted to phelps in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    sure...that study was funded by people who wanted to cancel the gender's obvious that they stated such big lies...
    the proof...when Semenya was forced by the rules to take medicines to correct her level of testosterone could only run 2.05 in the 800m, when she's free not to take any medicine to lower her masculine level of testosterone she's able to run 1.55 (and better)...
    the same with Pamela Jelimo...she looked unbeatable (and ran 1.54)...after she started to take those corrective medicines, she basically had to retire...
    well, I know a couple of people having gone trough sex change procedures...and I can tell you that even after having completed the transition (so, after having taken tons of medicines, estrogen and things like that), they still have uncommon strenght and physical ability than "natural born" women...
    nobody will never make me change my mind about the fact that women not biologically born as women can play sport against other "real" women in fair conditions...they will always have a big advantage (and trust's not a question of being racist, sexist or anything's just like things actually are)...
    by the way, the official clinical definition for Semenya, Wambui and Nyonsaba's cases is "androgyny"/"hyper-androgynism"...
  8. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from hckošice in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Debuting, Coming Back, Returning and Missing Nations   
    is officially qualified now! Will make a reappearance after its only appearance in 2006.
  9. Like
    intoronto reacted to juddy96 in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Matt Hughes 6th what a great race from him, he had only had one race this year before worlds, due to smashing his knee on a fire hydrant during a training run
  10. Like
    intoronto reacted to Gianlu33 in [OFF TOPIC] Arts, Architectures and Landscapes Thread   
    Costiera Amalfitana in Italy, i live 10 minuts from here  

    And here Montecarlo, one of the best city that i see for now in my travels

  11. Like
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in [POLL] Which Nation will Win the Medal Count at the Winter Olympic Games 2018?   
    No. Certainly no
    The fun thing was that actually this happened during the Day 1 of the Games, which was one of the most memorable and successful day of our sport, since only few hours before this match Nastya won our first historic Gold at WOG in Biathlon Sprint.
  12. Like
    intoronto reacted to George_D in Which are the 3 Best and Worst Olympic Moments of your Nation?   
    correct!! but i should choose only 3 from the best. The diving gold was unexpected since both favorites chinese and russians failed in their last attempts
  13. Like
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in [POLL] Which Nation will Win the Medal Count at the Winter Olympic Games 2018?   
    If there a country that is still exceptionally prepared for the olympics, it´s surely Canada. you´ll again medal almost everywhere
    and about women´s hockey, yes that old known song..USA winning world champs titles year after year, but then came the olympics and Canada score the overtime finals winning goal
  14. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from George_D in Which are the 3 Best and Worst Olympic Moments of your Nation?   
    The shock diving gold in 2004 and Ilias Iliadis winning gold in 2004 are my top moments.
  15. Like
    intoronto reacted to ofan in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Semenya is a man
  16. Like
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    Because her mom uses a breast cancer medicin, which accidentally fell in the tortellini she was making on one of the rare days in which Errani ate her parents' house, right before Errani got a doping test. 
    Taking doping excuses to a new level right there. 
    Also, a two months suspension, because tennis. 
  17. Like
    intoronto reacted to Mkbw50 in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Even worse than Antartica
  18. Like
    intoronto reacted to De_Gambassi in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    The famous city of Bruxelles, Sénégal.
  19. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from mrv86 in Summer European Youth Olympic Festival 2022   
    2021 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival will be held in Kosice, Slovakia @hckosice
  20. Like
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in Summer European Youth Olympic Festival 2022   
    I know, it´s just fantastic, isn´t ?
  21. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from hckošice in Summer European Youth Olympic Festival 2022   
    2021 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival will be held in Kosice, Slovakia @hckosice
  22. Like
    intoronto reacted to Yannakis in Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games 2016 News   
    After midnight i will editing post and that be right
  23. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from rybak in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Debuting, Coming Back, Returning and Missing Nations   
    is now officially qualified.
  24. Like
    intoronto got a reaction from tuniscof in [PREDICTION CONTEST] Athletics IAAF World Championships 2017   
    Just an fyi, Canada will not compete in the women's 4x100 relay.
    And no Canada in the women's 4x400 relay (4th place in Rio) and no Canadians in the 20km walk for men (defending bronze)?
  25. Haha
    intoronto got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Winter Olympic Games 2018 Debuting, Coming Back, Returning and Missing Nations   
    Malaysia and Eritrea have now officially qualified!

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