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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Baseball/softball's main strong hold is the America.s Water ski is cheap, all you need is a lake lol.
  2. Building courts are expensive. Toronto 2015 almost dropped racquetball and roller sports because of cost of overlay.
  3. And every major city has some sort of bowling facility. Chile medalled in Lima in squash, so that is surprising as well.
  4. Not yet, but 2021 champs have an auto pass to 2023, and Pan A Taekwondo leader has said that would be separate to the actual system.
  5. So 2023 Pan American Games taekwondo competition could possibly see two of the same country in the same event (as the Youth Pan Am Games champion gets an auto pass). @MHSN thoughts?
  6. @mrv86 Do you know if Canada can enter two women in the sprint competitions?
  7. As much as I'd like to participate, I am struggling to find a song I think would be good for this contest.
  8. Sorry, should have been more clear. I mean if 2021 is held in March, what is the point of another worlds 5 months prior?
  9. This would be interesting, because Canada has entered someone else in the 49kg qualifier ... Would be a reprieve for Yong.
  10. Canada won't even qualify for the women's team sprint, due to the incompetence of the NF.
  11. That is not necessarily true. A NOC must submit a request for tripartie spots. If it does not and no athletes qualify, it will not compete. However the likely hood of that is extremely low.
  12. If I am not mistaken, its the same.program as 2022.
  13. Slightly. Some 2015 Pan Am venues are part of the plan. No shooting is proposed, so that is interesting.
  14. Did wthdraw in the classification round? I find it hard to believe they lost 45-0
  15. I once had a dream I was the Canadian flag bearer at the 2032 Olympics on home soil and that I dropped the flag
  16. Some really sad news, Brayden Kuroda, only 19, and made his World Cup debut under a month ago has passed away.
  17. This reminds me of IBSF (then Fibt) forgetting Australia in women's bobsleigh in 2010. They owned up to it and allowed the country that replaced them (Ireland) to also compete with IOC approval.
  18. Can't believe it has been 10 years since Vancouver 2010! Time flies.
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