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nenad got a reaction from Sindo in Paris 2024 on Totallympics - Will you keep visiting Totallympics before the next Olympic Games?
Well, for me, totallympics was always about qualifying and period between the Games. There are a lot of boards when you can write about the Games when they actually start but this is probably the best place for that "boring" period when the Games aren't on.
So, most def, yes.
nenad got a reaction from ChandlerMne in Paris 2024 on Totallympics - Will you keep visiting Totallympics before the next Olympic Games?
Well, for me, totallympics was always about qualifying and period between the Games. There are a lot of boards when you can write about the Games when they actually start but this is probably the best place for that "boring" period when the Games aren't on.
So, most def, yes.
nenad got a reaction from copravolley in Men's Water Polo Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Death, taxes and Serbian water polo
nenad got a reaction from maestro in Men's Water Polo Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Never underestimate the heart of a champion
nenad got a reaction from George_D in Men's Water Polo Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Death, taxes and Serbian water polo
nenad reacted to George_D in Men's Basketball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
83 - 93
Bronze medal for ! They deserved it
nenad got a reaction from rybak in Men's Basketball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Most people cheer against the USA because it's basic human decency
nenad got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Men's Basketball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Most people cheer against the USA because it's basic human decency
nenad got a reaction from opruh in Men's Basketball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Most people cheer against the USA because it's basic human decency
nenad got a reaction from George_D in Men's Water Polo Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Never underestimate the heart of a champion
nenad got a reaction from MagyarBabu in Men's Water Polo Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Never underestimate the heart of a champion
nenad got a reaction from Oxymorons in [OPEN THREAD] Praćenje rezultata
Opet ćemo ući u istu priču bespotrebno. Ovaj narod sve više naginje ka bolesnom, ko nas predstavlja, kako se živi ovde, koliko smo kao nacija isfrustrirani i iskompleksirani, kakve su nam buduće generacije, nema ovom narodu ništa dobro, bez obzira dal osvoji 10 ili 2 medalje. One su samo pokriće za neke ljude koji se nikad nisu bavili sportom, nemaju pojma šta je sportski duh. Sportski duh nije da ti nazivaš Federera i Nadala pogrdnim imenima samo jer su konkurenti Đokoviću, da pričaš kako se Ameri dopinguju jer eto bolji su u košarci, da frustracije zbog izgubljenih ratova devedesetih lečiš kroz sport da imaš više medalja od Hrvata dok obeležavaš Oluje i hvališ se porazima. Meni je fizički muka od ove države, od medija, novinara, od prosečnog Srbina. Da imam mogućnost pobegao bih sutra iz ove zemlje ne zbog sebe nego zbog neke dece za koju ne bih želeo da odrastaju u ovoj toksičnoj sredini.
nenad reacted to NikolaB in [OPEN THREAD] Praćenje rezultata
A kao da je više bitno ko se sa kim bori. Ako želiš medalju na OI moraš da dobiješ najbolje, pre ili kasnije. Mi smo generalno teuba u zadnje dve godine na svetskom nivou, i rezultati nam to i pokazuju. @ChandlerMneopusti se i uživaj u sportu, a nama dosta i dve medalje (eventualno tri jer verujem da košarkaši uzimaju bronzu)
nenad got a reaction from ChandlerMne in [OPEN THREAD] Praćenje rezultata
Toliko o tome hahahahah kakva olimpijada jebem ti sunce
nenad reacted to NikolaB in [OPEN THREAD] Praćenje rezultata
Још да бомбаш самоубица улети у наш део олимпијског села и да комплетирамо све могуће баксузлуке
nenad reacted to Federer91 in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Finally at 37 Novak Djokovic achieves one of his career goals Fantastic performance, channeled his best play from his heyday. Was ready for everything and did some incredible shots. Stunning scenes after the match. Alcaraz crying as well. Will be one of the moments from Paris, that will be remembered for years, decades to come.
nenad reacted to Bulgaria87 in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Well deserved for Djokovic and . Congratulations to our neighbors.
nenad reacted to Roamingrover86 in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
So happy for Djokovic
Delighted for him. So Passionate about his sport & country . Serbia deserves this gold from her beloved son
nenad reacted to Josh in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
So happy for Djokovic, finally he gets that long elusive gold medal.
nenad reacted to George_D in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
@ChandlerMne @nenad
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