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Everything posted by rybak

  1. I believe that votes from people who votes in other countries can decide about final results, I heard that in most countries Trzaskowski was favourite
  2. From wiki: "Ermal Meta is an Italian singer, songwriter and composer of Albanian descent"
  3. Maybe we will make also here "Festival of music" of some non-selected countries? Edit: I already have some ideas and @dcro could present the song from Saint Pierre et something
  4. So, no Cyprus even here But I'm glad that there are Kiribati, Sri Lanka and Somalia
  5. Who? Which sport? I never heard about her.
  6. Provisional entry list of WTA tournament in Palermo which is expected to be played from 3rd August
  7. Tennis US Open might be cancelled as well, official decision will be made in middle of July,
  8. You are late buddy, someone already posted this in politics thread
  9. Two days after watching entire 4th season of TLK we all got this news Sorry of spaming this thread about this serie
  10. When you posted this post I saw on worldmeters that there are 2 more new cases in Fiji I hope that those two cases are among one family and will not spread into other people.
  11. That's important point, we have one of the oldest society in Europe, many of +65yo people doesn't have access to Internet or even if they have that, they don't know how use this. Some time ago I read somwhere that around 25% of our population doesn't have permanent internet access, we can believe that most of that people lives in small villages. Then such people might doesn't know about existence of other political parties than PO, PiS and time to time mentioned Lewica as they only are watching TV and mainly TVP and can know their programm only from TV debates. As we all know "thanks" to this, PiS have always advantage in villages/small towns and among +65yo people and they still will vote for them because they are giving 500+ and 13/14 additional universal retirement, which PO didn't it during their leadership during 8 years.
  12. And before first round of elections Duda was in Washington for talk with Trump about army, health (coronavirus vaccine) etc. to strengthen cooperation with our most important ally. Typical propaganda, I can't handle anymore with all of that. He doesn't deserve to be president again, nor Trzaskowski.
  13. 6th July of 2020 year in Poland Six days before second round of presidential elections, none of candidates doesn't agree to take part in jointly debate.... I will try not comment this. It only shows how much candidates (and our country also) are divided....
  14. I didn't even know about this event being held in my city
  15. Looks like Vesely gained some more kilos during this quarantine
  16. First new cases in both and since end of April...
  17. I forgot about that. It's all corona fault and lack of events by this shit.
  18. Yes, 8 teams is enough for now, better to give those 52 qutoas to bring more quotas in some events in athletics or more events in karate/taekwondo.
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