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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Decent song from I would give us something like 6-7 points
  2. Time for rare Eurovision Slowakei song @hckosice
  3. Because current ESC is rather Eurovision (the best) Performance/Staging Contest
  4. I'm watching it First comment, I don't like Croatian song
  5. As well next year Summer EYOF is postponed by exactly one year to 2022 (just like Olympics)
  6. Expected, but still sad
  7. Yesterday, for the first time since beginning of pandemic in we had more cases of daily recoveries than new cases (375 to 311)
  8. Exactly after one week of first (15) cases in now in that country are 461 active cases and 12 deaths. It went quickly....
  9. Where are daily photos from country?
  10. That's sucks
  11. And still I can't watch this in my country
  12. Marusarz was "fifth" the best our athlete in this sport, he was always among reserves, it's probably reason why you never heard about him. Słowiok retired already last year as well...
  13. As always moneys and lack of sponsors are main reasons of their retirements. Few good results didn't bring interest of fans and sponsors, national federation doesn't give a fuck to any other sport, they are focusing only for men's team in ski jumping. Even women's part of ski jumping team and juniors of men's team have much less moneys to prepartions, not mentioning about snowboarding and alpine skiing which are bassically dead here. Some athletes gives up because they doesn't want waste their own money for equipment and for foreign camps which should be funded by national federation.
  14. Paweł Twardosz Adam Cieślar Wojciech Marusarz (all nordic combined) suddenly retires Our 8th placed team at 2019 World Championships is gone... For now, in A team for 2020/2021 season we have only one athlete - Szczepan Kupczak....
  15. There also new cases in Yemen and Mauritania, which means that those countries sadly return to "infected countries" after being "clean" by few days.
  16. Now we all know why Tajik football league was suddenly suspended few days ago...
  17. I watched yesterday first two episodes of season 4, I can say that Clarke did a big mistake in season three finale... IMO
  18. You all are talking only about beer in Lidl but I love from Lidl their chicken nuggets, american burgers and several chocolates from "Fin carre" company They have also the best for me "Lord Nelson" tea, outside Lidl I never saw this anywhere. Those are only products why I go there
  19. Ok, speeches, I'm out of this the most boring part
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