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Everything posted by rybak

  2. I wonder if all top players will play in both slams, or if someone will miss masters in Rome and Madrid
  3. It's official A further update on the intended schedule beyond Roland Garros, including a possible Asia swing ahead of the European indoor swing culminating with the season-ending Nitto ATP Finals in London, is expected in mid-July.
  4. Not only there, after almost 2 months of being free have suddenly 70 new cases in just 4 days... 4 new cases from almost free as well... Third day in a row in there was more than 100 daily deaths also isn't free anymore, there are now 2 new active cases...
  5. Few days ago I did 50km on bike in 2 hours and 30 minutes, with average speed 25km/h. Second time ever I ride over 30km
  6. In 17th June in Gdańsk will start first of eight LOTOS PZT Polish Tournaments. Of course this tournament will be only for local players, among them from "big" names are Katarzyna Kawa, Magdalena Fręch, Katarzyna Piter, Kacper Żuk, Daniel Michalski, Maciej Rajski and Jan Zieliński. I hope that in next tournaments Ula Radwańska, Hubert Hurkacz and Magda Linette or Iga Świątek will enter.....
  7. I didn't knew that we have V...... as totallympics member
  8. Despite living here I'm not fan of speedway either, but my father and brother are. Anyway I decided to watch this today as I wanted to see an sport event in live not again an replay
  9. + in Sweden still is daily many new cases and deaths. Those miners workers in Poland are in 98% without any symptoms, we have here big number of daily cases as all workers from all miners and their families in whole Silesia are massive tested to avoid new possible outbreaks. In Masovia there are outbreaks in one kindergarten, hospital and church in Radom or nearly this city. In other voivodeships are fortunately just single cases every day. From 13,550 active cases "just" 1629 people are in hospitals and 77 under respirators. According some sources around 3000 recoveries aren't reported due to technical problems. I believe that most people being under quarantine now are healthed as well or will be soon. I think that we are after peak like most of European countries.
  10. I'm not young anymore but I enjoyed when I watched new version of the Lion King
  11. I just watched first 3 first episodes of 7th season of The 100, so far nothing big didn't happened... I'm also now at second half of third season of Lucifer, very good serie, I didn't expect that I will like serie in this theme.
  12. Wow, what is going on? It's just second post in this thread since Monday. Seems that corona isn't in highlights anywhere anymore.
  13. Possible calendar for the rest of the season in WTA (of course if anything won't be cancelled again.)
  14. It's he Recently I heard about only one (Black Lives Matter ofc.. ) protest here, exactly in Poznań. Which was really peaceuful which you can see in that video. Nothing yet about covid and anti-government. I think that main reason of that can be that soon will be presidential elections... Now main politicians are focused on their campaganies in upcoming presidential elections, which are expected to held in June 28th (postponed from May 10th). Several candidates are saying once again that holding elections in few weeks is still impossible, especially seeing that number of new covid cases are raising with every day... (Government lifted all restrictions too quickly without thinking and any strategic). I'm really curious how people will react and vote seeing that President, PM and government did many mistakes in battle with corona. The biggest scandal was broke out about masks. We ordered from your country over 7 milion masks and other need medical supplies, after few weeks completly out of nowhere, it was revealed that on bank account of brother of head of ministry of health suddenly appeared milions of polish złoty's... And that brother have own medical company...
  15. Almost 600 new cases in today. Third day a row we have the biggest number of new cases. And still head of Ministry of Health says that "we have pandemic under control"....
  16. Aaaaand today, after 3 months and 2 days after first confirmed case of corona in we have record of new daily cases (576). Well done Ministry of Health and Government overally. From today almost everything is reopen, I believe that in 2 weeks we might have +1000 new cases every day as we don't need to wear masks anymore in "open space" and from Monday in schools will be held final exams. And oh, how I could forget about presidential elections which will take place in 3 weeks...
  17. Poland - Sweden match at men's handball Euro 2012.
  18. For the first time since beginning in is more than 4k new daily cases In that way they will surpass China in number of cases
  19. If no one didn't notice, at this night number of total cases reached 6 milion. today also surpasses in number of total cases. Right now China have just 63 active cases, yesterday was second day since beginning of pandemic without new cases and deaths in that country and are "winners" in the battle with virus, as in both countries are respectively just 1 and 2 active cases. Also first time since beginning (I think) there is more closed cases (recoveries and deaths) than active cases in whole world.
  20. Despite still high number of new daily cases from June 6th almost everything will return to normal in Even wedding parties and public gatherings up to 150 people will be allowed... Of course in shops, public transport and other "closed" place we will have to still wear masks, but from May 30th masks won't be mandatory if we will go to walk to park/forest and other "open" places, and when you are running or ride on bike. From remaining things which are still unknown is: when borders will be reopen, when mass events (concerts, festivales etc.) will be allowed to take place and when fans will can enter to sport venues.
  21. Today in Poland we had 395 new cases of virus (total number is 21,326) once again around half is just from Silesia. But what is good, today we had "just" 3 new deaths, the lowest number of deaths since March 31st! Total number of deaths is 996. Also 9194 people totally recovered. Despite everything it looking better
  22. RIP to the biggest and the oldest Polish tree (Chrobry oak) Tree was introducted on the list of natural monuments in Poland in 1966. According dendrochronology that tree germinated around 1265 year. This year is first when leaves didn't appear, one of reasons can be that an moron arsoning it two years ago, already in last year leaves were only on the highest part of tree.... 2020 is really fucking year....
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