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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018

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POL1.png POL2.png POL3.png



 Dobry wieczór przyjaciele z Totallympics!

To są wyniki głosowania polskiego jury


Good evening Totallympics folks! These

are the results of the votes of the Polish Jury:


 Austria.png AUSTRIA 10


 Slovakia.png SLOVENIA 9
 India.png INDIA 8
 UnitedStates.png UNITED STATES 7
 Argentina.png ARGENTINA 6
 Russian Federation.png RUSSIA 5
 Slovenia.png SLOVAKIA 4
 Netherlands.png NETHERLANDS 3
 Germany.png GERMANY 2
 Moldova.png MOLDOVA 1


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1 minute ago, Wanderer said:

Brazil :wub:

But it was very close in my top3. I am glad now I gave Ireland only 10 :p

Italian song is very catchy and finally refreshing :d Still not something I listen to, but it is infectious. :d



Yikes, now I feel really guilty :d

Actually I know how it feels. You choose a song and you think, User A will definitely vote for this song, and then big fat zero. It's like a slap in the face :d


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I hope that now everything is correct :d


 Austria.png AUSTRIA 10


 Slovakia.png SLOVENIA 9
 India.png INDIA 8
 UnitedStates.png UNITED STATES 7
 Argentina.png ARGENTINA 6
 Russian Federation.png RUSSIA 5
 Slovenia.png SLOVAKIA 4
 Netherlands.png NETHERLANDS 3
 Germany.png GERMANY 2
 Moldova.png MOLDOVA 1
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