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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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33 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

And what would happen to these friendly looking peaceful demonstrators? :d 





Nothing or the goverment will pay them to dont make troubles......but with the time, they start to make those troubles again to claim more money and the goverment give them, there is a big fear of the goverment to applying the law 


here a picture of  our peaceful  comunist fighters



Edited by konig
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Still 30 minuts to vote for all PD elector for choce the leader of the president of the biggest (?) italian party, actually at the governament. Probabilly we'll ha a very small affluence (around 1.8 millions, very poor affluence). Btw, as a left-wing and Democratic Party voter, I voted. Let's hope that we'll have a miracle and that Renzi will not win, almost at 1st turn, even though it will probably overthrow it. And let's hope, c'mon Orlando! :d 

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Emmanuel Macron's Campaign E-mails have been leaked

My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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The campaign of the French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was hit on Friday by a large dump of leaked emails and other documents on a file-sharing website.



like they did  with Hilary :lol:

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Ten minutes left until exit polls from France :clap:


My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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