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Immigration the no.1 problem? quite debatable. Although the right clearly tries to make everyone thinks it is. Of course it would help (and damage the far right) if some groups of people from certain countries understood that we are in 2024 and preachers from 1500 years ago shouldn't be taken at face value.

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26 minutes ago, Faramir said:

Immigration the no.1 problem? quite debatable. Although the right clearly tries to make everyone thinks it is. Of course it would help (and damage the far right) if some groups of people from certain countries understood that we are in 2024 and preachers from 1500 years ago shouldn't be taken at face value.

if you consider that in a small (and bankrupt as well)country like Greece (10 mil people) ex-PM Alexis Tsipras had stated that "i am proud that during my tenure in 2015 850.000 immigrants came to Greece" yes it is

I said also immigration from muslim countries, not between countries in Europe. It may seem racist but this is the truth and this is the reason the people in britain voted for Brexit

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This unfair world economic system force people to immigrate , dollar/euro are strong making salary high   , imagine if money of all countries were equal  no one will immigrate


and Greece is the bridge of a long way , they come from Turkey through Greece / balkane... western europe is the final destination , massive immigratoon is heavy for some countries but earning too 

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No one forces african goverments to waste money (i mean sub saharan africa). Private empires. Big part of immigrants problem is purely forced, politics. Islamic plan of dominatoon by numbers etc. The biggest problem is that world is again going crazy and there is almost no one to stop it. People forgot wwii. Even in Poland we don't need any external enemies, we are now two nations, bipolar two states of pis and antypis. France, Netherlands etc. Immigrants controlling Stockholm. Fuck me, smells bad. Let's hope China will finally calm some of their friends, when they will be weak enough. Good plan China 😉. And btw - this political change in France can end with weakness of the whole NATO if Ukraine is defeated...terrible for Poland but not only for us. 

Edited by Pavlo

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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and USA generates wars under the command of zionists and trade of weapons $$$$ , no one from Irak/Syria/Libya/Ukraine  did massive immigration like that in the past ...Africa is rich but can't unleash itself from france/uk 

BRICS will be strong soon in october ,this  new money will destroy dollar

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Africa is rich? Hmmm...🙂. Now Russia tries to influence this continent, hoping for recruits vs Ukraine. USA is not a saint but...maybe we live in two different realities. Russia, China, Belarus, N. Korea and Iran are the war quintet right now. Belarus of course not by choice. 

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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Waves of immigrants attack Polish border from Belarus side, it's all intentional. Those immigrants already killed our soldier if you don't know, yes, muslim immigrants. There is a plan to interrupt euro in Germany, plan by Putin and Lukashenko. Using immigrants. Poland is now on the border of this hell so we see and know it well. 

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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The  richest country in Africa is Mali , they have everything : Gold Petrol Gaz diamond, Uranium ,boxite,nickel,phosphate....etc but not yet exploited cause under the tyranie of france , Cameroon the 2nd for the same reason 

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Not true, the big part of this problem is internal mentality, not thinking about whole nation. Mali is not a united nation. Stop blaming France, i know it's role in the past. But now problems are often internal. From my point of view Ghana and Senegal are closest to normality. Uganda and Angola went in a good direction. Belgium wasn't that better...but hey, it's all past. The shape of Mali is of course Europe's guilt, sure but they still have to think on their own now. 

Edited by Pavlo

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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