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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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On 11/1/2022 at 12:31 AM, LDOG said:

Lol aren't them at odds now? Just like with Maslatón.  


These "liberals" split up every two seconds :lol: just like the marxists.

You are rigth: every time their big egos make them figth and split, like the marxist, Nevertheless, the figth between Milei and Giacomini was because Diego dont want to be in politics for NOTHING OF THE WORLD for being a  "dirty place" and he considerers that an absolute, is what he sayed to us and there were a bi "clamor operative" to convince Milei to enter in politics,i saw his "annoyed face" when we asked in that time if he will enter in politics.


Edit: Maslaton is a "mad genius", very dificult to understand in a country like ours, of course there are areas to is better directly not listen to him.

Edited by konig
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17 hours ago, bestmen said:

Are you able to read? Because that exact article is totally different from what you said.


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6 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Are you able to read? Because that exact article is totally different from what you said.

There are many articles saying "all sanctions"  i'll not search them for you ...some or all ,  1 thing is sure : this is egoist acting from netherlands ... 

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