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1 minute ago, Monzanator said:


"Needs"? Says who? Unless you just follow the same bullshit as everyone? I've said before, politicians, journalists and clergymen want to control the masses. They're doing so for centuries. So, whom do you follow personally?

Can you imagine creating nuclear power without the support of government. Or closing coal mines without a YES from the government? Then ecology is a political thing.

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13 minutes ago, Vojthas said:

Can you imagine creating nuclear power without the support of government. Or closing coal mines without a YES from the government? Then ecology is a political thing.


Replacing the old resources with new ones is just part of the deal. Hell, McDonalds sells meat-free burgers "that taste just like meat" but comes from plants. The money stays the same but someone else makes them. Shutting down coal mines results in wind farms making money instead. The problem is, replacing crude oil will be difficult. Without oil. the entire Middle East is just one giant desert with nothing else to sell to the world. The Venezuelan oil is controlled by Russians & Chinese already.


Industry used to be dominated by trade unions. Margaret Thatcher didn't want to blow up the coal system as much as she wanted to struck down the trade unionists which were a major political force one way or another. I'm not even gonna mention the organized crime that gets involved in these trade unions here and there. The downfall of the industrial steel & coal market is a massive gain for ANY politician so of course they will support the eco nonsense. Not for the sake of the planet (boo hoo) but for their own good. Trade unions as a society tool to put pressure on politics has basically evaporated in XXI century.

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27 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Journalists, because we do not in fact aim to control everyone :wacko: 


Then why every god damn political department or office needs a "public relations" branch? One can argue some politicians are just prisoners of their own PR advice. It's the neck that makes the head turn. I wonder how many of these PR bozos graduated from "journalism & communications"? :p

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Just now, Monzanator said:


Then why every god damn political department or office needs a "public relations" branch? One can argue some politicians are just prisoners of their own PR advice. It's the neck that makes the head turn. I wonder how many of these PR bozos graduated from "journalism & communications"? :p

PR isn’t actual journalism, it’s close, but it’s not journalism. People who work in PR are generally a student of communications or psychology.

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13 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

PR isn’t actual journalism, it’s close, but it’s not journalism. People who work in PR are generally a student of communications or psychology.


Ghost-writers are still writers, session musicians and roadies are still musicians despite someone else taking the name credit. Let's don't pretend communications & journalism have nothing in common :coffee:

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21 minutes ago, Monzanator said:


Ghost-writers are still writers, session musicians and roadies are still musicians despite someone else taking the name credit. Let's don't pretend communications & journalism have nothing in common :coffee:

Wait, he didn't say they have nothing in common - they do. PR articles are mostly marketing - manipulation under cover of pseudo-information - journalism is just informative (or opinion if we talk about such columns - but they're always said that it's just an opinion). Ghost-writing is simply writing for somebody else's name - they give you a content, you give a language. Session musicians - they're doing most of the job for someone else. It doesn't differ much from simply being musician if you're not a composer/lyrics author. But the difference between marketing and journalism is much bigger than between playing and... playing. Or, at least, should be. But that's what the whole discussion is about - we (me and @Olympian1010) believe in true journalism, which, I'm afraid, is dying nowadays because of commercialization of the world.

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15 minutes ago, Vojthas said:

Wait, he didn't say they have nothing in common - they do. PR articles are mostly marketing - manipulation under cover of pseudo-information - journalism is just informative (or opinion if we talk about such columns - but they're always said that it's just an opinion). Ghost-writing is simply writing for somebody else's name - they give you a content, you give a language. Session musicians - they're doing most of the job for someone else. It doesn't differ much from simply being musician if you're not a composer/lyrics author. But the difference between marketing and journalism is much bigger than between playing and... playing. Or, at least, should be. But that's what the whole discussion is about - we (me and @Olympian1010) believe in true journalism, which, I'm afraid, is dying nowadays because of commercialization of the world.


It's all about opinion making & manipulation now. The number of columnists go up & up. They're role is not to inform the society but manipulate them into their own vision of the world.


The information part of journalism has devalued faster than triple-double in NBA. People don't have to wait for the evening news on TV to find out what's going on. The rise of internet has ripped that sucker to the bone. Everyone with a social media account can become an "aspiring" journalist today.

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15 minutes ago, Monzanator said:

It's all about opinion making & manipulation now. The number of columnists go up & up. They're role is not to inform the society but manipulate them into their own vision of the world.

I don’t disagree with this, but it’s actual journalism. It’s just opinionated writing at that point. Columnists can be journalists (and many are), but you need to have the support of facts, research, and subject knowledge to be a true columnist.


17 minutes ago, Monzanator said:

The information part of journalism has devalued faster than triple-double in NBA. People don't have to wait for the evening news on TV to find out what's going on. The rise of internet has ripped that sucker to the bone. Everyone with a social media account can become an "aspiring" journalist today.

One of the greatest parts of social media is the availability of primary sources. However, many people use social media to spread misinformation. It’s up to real journalists to disprove the liars and cast them aside as nothing but political agents. Real journalists have a strong code and ethics and a desire to report the truth (and yes, they can be wrong occasionally, and they should admit their mistakes).

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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7 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

I don’t disagree with this, but it’s actual journalism. It’s just opinionated writing at that point. Columnists can be journalists (and many are), but you need to have the support of facts, research, and subject knowledge to be a true columnist.


One of the greatest parts of social media is the availability of primary sources. However, many people use social media to spread misinformation. It’s up to real journalists to disprove the liars and cast them aside as nothing but political agents. Real journalists have a strong code and ethics and a desire to report the truth (and yes, they can be wrong occasionally, and they should admit their mistakes).


Time is money. Any news becomes old faster than anytime before these days. News spreads around like a disease on social media. No wonder paper versions of media outlets are dying. It takes too much time and money to release them. YT or IG is faster than TV news and it goes on & on. You don't have time to check the facts and do research anymore. Either leak the news now or forget about it because 1,500 people will do it for you within 2 minutes.


TV killed the radio and internet and social media will kill both paper news AND TV sooner or later. Hell, Netflix and all the streaming platforms will kill the traditional cinemas as well. I mean, whomever goes to the movies these days when you can watch the shit online? None of my friends go to the cinemas anymore :lol:

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