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Diving at the Aquatics FINA World Championships 2017

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It's a shame. No medal for Jack.

Gold for Siyi Xie (:CHN) 547.10

Silver for Patrick Hausding (:GER) 526.15

Bronze for Ilia Zakharov (:RUS) 505.90

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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Could someone please slap me in the face? I missed this, apparently amazing, competition! :facepalm:

I'm extremely happy for Hausding, Rio bronze wasnt a fluke. He for sure isnt among the 3 most talented divers, but somehow his consistency wins him medals. 2 medals is the best the german team could have hoped for. GB on the other hand is having dreadful results so far, but we all know that they are already focusing on Tokyo and will peak in 3 years + they should win 5-6 medals in the pool next week, which is 5-6 times better than what Germany will do.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Great result for :RSA in 3m Women :) Sadly both Mexican girls missed the finals, so another event in which we wont compete at DWS next year.


Poor Rommel Pacheco finished 4th and isued a very sad statement in social media... in all fairness, he failed the easiest dive of them all, so he needs to keep improving in his mental strenght. Ocampo on the other hand surprised me and his placement is well deserved; plus this could be the only 2 athletes that will compete at 2018 DWS, unless FINA removes its ban on Mexico hosting events.

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Diving 10m Platform Preliminary:

Chen (:CHN), Yang (:CHN), Daley (:GBR), Ri (:PRK), Minibaev (:RUS), Bedggood (:AUS), Lee (:GBR), Willars Valdez (:MEX), Woo (:KOR), Bondar (:RUS), Dolgov (:UKR), Dinsmore (:USA), Villareal Tudon (:MEX), Barthel (:GER), Stacey (:AUS), Liranzo (:VEN), Auffret (:FRA), and Barbu (:ITA) qualified

Bondar, Daley, Chen, Dinsmore, Lee, Ri, Auffret, Minibaev, Willars Valdez, Woo, Yang, and Dolgov survived the SF to qualify for the Final.

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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Women's 3m Springboard:

Gold: Tingmao Shi (:CHN) 383.50

Silver: Han Wang (:CHN) 359.40

Bronze: Jennifer Abel (:CAN) 351.55

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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Holy shit this is tighter than a nun! Come on TOM DALEY!

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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