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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2017

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4 / 35 Juries Voted  

speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: IRL   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 11 
Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 20  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 0 
Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 8  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 6 
Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 1  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 24 
Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 2  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 24 
Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 0  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 9 
Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 8  Animated waving American flags  United States 12 
Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia 8  Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 10 
Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 6  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 12 
Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 15  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 2 
Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 9  Animated waving French flags  France 4 
iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 11  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 0 
Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 9  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 3 
Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 6  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 0 
Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 11  Animated waving German flags  Germany 7 
Animated waving Indian flags  India 0  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 24 
Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 9  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 19 
Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 4  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 18 





1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 24
2 Animated waving Moroccan flags Morocco 24
3 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 24
4 Animated waving Indonesian flags Indonesia 20
5 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 19





So we have a 3 way tie at the top, we will need the Russian votes to separate them!


So we say hello to the largest country in the world, Russia,

may we have your votes?



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1 minute ago, dareza said:

12 and 11 for Brazil and Netherland. How much did you pay for this? @heywoodu


Second time I awarded 11 points to Kensington and not a cent to show for it :d

But my reward is new found music that I listen again and again :yes

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1 minute ago, dareza said:

12 and 11 for Brazil and Netherland. How much did you pay for this? @heywoodu


I am innocent! How dare you imply otherwise!






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Всем примет! Надеюсь, вы так же наслаждаетесь шоу, как мы в России первыми весенними деньками. Вот итоги голосования от России

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy the show just like we enjoy the first spring days in Russia. Here are the votes from Russia


Jury Scorecard:

   zhnc2ZX.png  Ireland 10
   t1wPD3u.png  Great Britain 9
   6nNWYty.png  New Zealand 8
   597ngjG.png  Germany 7
   wNranD1.png  Slovakia 6
   hTrrslQ.png  Lithuania 5
   t7vnFRY.png  Denmark 4
   8vt0351.png  Finland 3
   PVYwr6C.png  United States 2
   kJ9f0HY.png  Poland 1

Bring back the 1991 borders

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Jury Scorecard:

   Y6kXdbI.png  Netherlands 11
   zhnc2ZX.png  Ireland 10
   t1wPD3u.png  Great Britain 9
   6nNWYty.png  New Zealand 8
   597ngjG.png  Germany 7
   wNranD1.png  Slovakia 6
   hTrrslQ.png  Lithuania 5
   t7vnFRY.png  Denmark 4
   8vt0351.png  Finland 3
   PVYwr6C.png  United States 2
   kJ9f0HY.png  Poland 1


Bring back the 1991 borders

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