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[OFF TOPIC] Which are the most popular names in your country?

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In Poland


Most popular names among new born girls in 2015:


1. Zuzanna

2. Lena

3. Julia

4. Maja

5. Zofia

6. Hanna

7. Amelia

8. Aleksandra

9. Alicja

10. Natalia


New born boys names:


1. Jakub

2. Antoni

3. Szymon

4. Jan

5. Filip

6. Kacper

7. Aleksander

8. Franciszek

9. Mikołaj

10. Wojciech


The most popular surnames:


1. Nowak/Nowak

2. Kowalski/Kowalska

3. Wiśniewski/Wiśniewska

4. Wójcik/Wójcik

5. Kowalczyk/Kowalczyk

6. Kamiński/Kamińska

7. Lewandowski/Lewandowska

8. Zieliński/Zielińska

9. Szymański/Szymańska

10. Woźniak/Woźniak

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45 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

these are subjects at Novi Sad University OAS 2015.pdf


but you will need google translate :d


wow impressive :d


Actually I haven´t much problems to read it, a bit too slower but I can read it. and I understand quit a lot :d

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22 minutes ago, rybak said:

In Poland


Most popular names among new born girls in 2015:


1. Zuzanna

2. Lena

3. Julia

4. Maja

5. Zofia

6. Hanna

7. Amelia

8. Aleksandra

9. Alicja

10. Natalia


New born boys names:


1. Jakub

2. Antoni

3. Szymon

4. Jan

5. Filip

6. Kacper

7. Aleksander

8. Franciszek

9. Mikołaj

10. Wojciech


The most popular surnames:


1. Nowak/Nowak

2. Kowalski/Kowalska

3. Wiśniewski/Wiśniewska

4. Wójcik/Wójcik

5. Kowalczyk/Kowalczyk

6. Kamiński/Kamińska

7. Lewandowski/Lewandowska

8. Zieliński/Zielińska

9. Szymański/Szymańska

10. Woźniak/Woźniak


where is Emma ? :d

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In Indonesia:

1. Dwi (means "second"/"two"; only for second child ) - U

2. Muhammad - M

3. Putra - M

4. Dian - *

5. Indah - F

6. Tri (means "three"/"third"; only for third child ) - U

7. Agus - M

8. Ade - *

9. Nur - U

10. Fitri - F

11. Andi - M

12. Reza - *

13. Rio - M

14. Siti - F

15. Yudi - M


Notes: M - Male, F - Female, U - Both female and male

* Dian is commonly for female, but also found on male names (ex: Dian David Mickael Jacobs - Paralympic table tennis athlete)

* Reza and Ade is commonly for male, but also found on female names


If you ask for most common surnames, no we don't have it. (


Western names started trending in Indonesia in the 1990s.. And parents usually has the "unique" reference behind the names. For example my name, Griffin, is from English footballer Andy Griffin ( My mom found it when she was reading a sport newspaper :lol:, unaware about the mythological creature.


My sister has got 3 Gabriellas in her class and all of their parents said that they are inspired from Gabriella Sabatini :lol:


Oh, Andrea is also used for males here :lol:


Edited by Griff88
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hace 18 horas, mrv86 said:



Interesting info. I didn't know that "García" either meant "bear" or "young"


I didn't either, and I speak basque....

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And about Andrea, it's used for womens here because literally means WOMAN (but like in a polite way, more like lady) in basque.

But also in whole Spain is used for women, like Andrea Blas (waterpolo silver medallist in London)

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for lads: James,Richard,Charles,Jonathan,William,Liam,Luke,Edward,Nicholas,Brian

for the lasses: Ashley,Natasha,Sophie,Chelsea,Erika,Sasha,Nicole,Stephanie

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  • 3 months later...

The new list of most popular baby names in Ireland.....


The 10 most popular names for boys


  1. James
  2. Daniel
  3. Jack
  4. Conor
  5. Finn
  6. Adam
  7. Noah
  8. Liam
  9. Oliver
  10. Luke


The 10 most popular names for girls

  1. Emily
  2. Amelia
  3. Olivia
  4. Grace
  5. Emma
  6. Anna
  7. Aoife
  8. Sophie
  9. Mia
  10. Saoirse
Edited by OlympicIRL
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