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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2016

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Thanks for mentioning the entire top-5 in order after every jury, that makes it a lot easier to keep track of what's happening :p 


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1 minute ago, Werloc said:

Okay, I don't know if India is ready to post their own votes.


Dolby doesn't appear to be online, so you can proceed I suppose.


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Animated waving Indian flags





नमस्ते । मैं इस प्रतियोगिता के मेजबान को एक बेहद ही खूबसूरत प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन करने के लिए बधाई देना चाहता हूँ । इतने सारे बेहतरीन गानो मैं से कुछ पसंदीदा गाने चुनना काफी कठिन था । और विलम्ब किये बिना, भारतीय प्रतिनिधि मंडल के मत इस प्रकार हैं :


Hello. I would like to congratulate the host of this competition on organising a beautiful event. It was really difficult to chose the favourite songs from such a illustrious list of songs. Without further delay, here are votes of the Indian delegation:




 ireland-framed-flag.jpg IRELAND


 French framed flag icons with box shadow FRANCE


 Turkish framed flag icons with box shadow TURKEY


 New Zealand framed flag icons with box shadow NEW ZEALAND


 Dutch framed flag icons with box shadow NETHERLANDS


 slovakia-framed-flag.jpg SLOVAKIA


 Maltese framed flag icons with box shadow MALTA


 Indonesian framed flag icons with box shadow INDONESIA


 American framed flag icons with box shadow UNITED STATES


 Bulgarian framed flag icons with box shadow BULGARIA



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