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[PREDICTION CONTEST] Miscellaneous Events 3 at the Summer Olympic Games 2016

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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

"There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



Competition Details
City :BRA Various Cities :BRA
Start Date August 5th, 2016
End Date August 20th, 2016
Participants TBD
Silver :WHT TBD :WHT
Bronze :WHT TBD :WHT







In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





For this Prediction Contest you are predicting medal winners for each event of the Prediction Design.

To do that, you have to write or Copy/Paste the names of Athletes/Nations from the Column named Athletes in appropriate Cells for each Event. Write or Copy/Paste one name you predict to be a Gold Medal winner in adequate Cell, and do the same for Silver Medal winner and Bronze Medal winner as well. Do the same for each Event of the Prediction Design.





Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes


Men's Team Event

Day 1, August 6th, 2016

:ITA Italy :MAS Malaysia :TPE Chinese Taipei

:CHN China

:TPE Chinese Taipei

:FRA France

:ITA Italy

:MAS Malaysia

:NED Netherlands

:KOR South Korea

:ESP Spain

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Points will be awarded as follows:

- For right predicted Gold Medal Winner - 4 points.
- For right predicted Silver Medal Winner - 3 points.
- For right predicted Bronze Medal Winner - 2 points.
- For right predicted Athlete/Nation but wrong place/medal - 1 point.
- Bonus points: 1 bonus point will awarded to predictor who predicted all medalists correctly, regardless of the order (1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-2-1, 3-1-2).

If you (by mistake or on purpose) picked two or more Athletes/Nations for the same place in one event, and if the total number of picked Athletes (options) for that event isn't over three, you'll get exactly 1 Point for each of them NO MATTER WHICH POSITION (and one bonus Point if you predicted all top 3 Athletes/Nations). If the total number of picked Athletes/Nations in one event is over three, you'll not get any Points for Athletes/Nations picked for the same position.

The first physical medal presentation is binding. If, for some reason no medals are presented for an event during the Games, this event will be eliminated in this contest.




Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes


Men's Team Event

Day 1, August 6th, 2016

:ITA Italy :MAS Malaysia :TPE Chinese Taipei

:CHN China

:TPE Chinese Taipei

:FRA France

:ITA Italy

:MAS Malaysia

:NED Netherlands

:KOR South Korea

:ESP Spain

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other



1. Italy - 4 Points

2. Malaysia - 3 Points

3. Chinese Taipei - 2 Points

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 10 Points


1. Italy - 4 Points

2. Chinese Taipei - 1 Point

3. Malaysia - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 7 Points


1. Italy - 4 Points

2. China - 0 Points

3. Malaysia - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 5 Points


1. Italy - 4 Points

2. Any Other - 0 Points

3. China - 0 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 4 Points


TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of correct Gold Medal Winners will be compared, then number of Silver Medal Winners and at the end number of Bronze Medal Winners. If players are still tied, answer on TB question will be taken into consideration. Contestant with closer answer on the question wins the Tie-Break.



Contestant 1: 6x10, 12x4, 10x3, 7x2

Contestant 2: 6x10, 12x4, 8x3, 8x2

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Events.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the Events you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first Event (HEATS ARE INCLUDED!!!) of the Games - August 5th, h. 09:00 (GMT -3).


If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Event of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Event of the Prediction Contest.


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first event of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished events and the events that have started (heats included). Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, 1 - Italy, 2 - Malaysia, 3 - Chinese Taipei, means Italy wins gold medal, Malaysia silver and Chinese Taipei bronze. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:






If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.


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Event and Date Gold Medal Winne Silver Medal Winne Bronze Medal Winne Athletes


Men's Team Event

Day 1, August 6th, 2016


:CHN China

:TPE Chinese Taipei

:FRA France

:ITA Italy

:MAS Malaysia

:NED Netherlands

:KOR South Korea

:ESP Spain

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Women's 10m Air Pistol

Day 2, August 7th, 2016


:BUL Antoaneta Boneva

:CHN Wenjun Guo

:CHN Mengxue Chang

:TPE Chia Ying Wu 

:GRE Anna Korakaki

:SRB Zorana Arunovic

:SRB Bobana Velickovic 

:ESP Sonia Franquet 

:UKR Olena Kostevych

:WHT Any Other


Women's 3m Synchro Springboard

Day 2, August 7th, 2016


:AUS Australia

:BRA Brazil

:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:GER Germany

:GBR Great Britain

:ITA Italy

:MAS Malaysia


Men's 10m Air Rifle

Day 3, August 8th, 2016


:BLR Vitali Bubnovich

:CHN Yifey Cao

:CHN Haoran Yang

:CZE Filip Nepejchal

:GER Julian Justus

:HUN Istvan Peni

:HUN Peter Sidi

:ITA Niccolo Campriani

:RUS Vladimir Maslennikov

:UKR Serhiy Kulish

:WHT Any Other


Men's 10m Synchro Platform

Day 3, August 8th, 2016


:BRA Brazil

:CHN China

:GER Germany

:GBR Great Britain

:MEX Mexico

:RUS Russia

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States



Day 3, August 8th, 2016


:AUS Australia

:BRA Brazil

:CAN Canada

:FIJ Fiji

:FRA France

:GBR Great Britain 

:NZL New Zealand

:ESP Spain

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Individual Eventing

Day 4, August 9th, 2016


:AUS Shane Rose 

:GBR William Fox-Pitt 

:GBR Gemma Tattersall 

:GER Sandra Auffarth 

:GER Michael Jung

:GER Ingrid Klimke 

:NZL Jonelle Price 

:NZL Mark Todd 

:SWE Ludwig Svennerstal 

:USA Clark Montgomery 

:WHT Any Other


Women's Team All-Around

Day 4, August 9th, 2016


:BRA Brazil

:CHN China

:GER Germany

:GBR Great Britain

:ITA Italy

:JPN Japan

:NED Netherlands

:RUS Russia

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Men's Individual Epee

Day 4, August 9th, 2016


:FRA Yannick Borel 

:FRA Gaetan Grumier 

:HUN Geza Imre

:ITA Enrico Garozzo

:JPN Kazuyasu Minobe

:RUS Vadim Anokhin

:SUI Max Heinzer

:UKR Bogdan Nikishin

:VEN Ruben Limardo

:WHT Any Other


Women's Individual Foil

Day 5, August 10th, 2016


:FRA Ysaora Thibus

:GER Carolin Golubytskyi

:ITA Elisa Di Francsica

:ITA Arianna Errigo

:KOR Hyunhee Nam

:RUS Inna Deriglazova

:RUS Aida Shanaeva

:TUN Ines Boubakri

:USA Lee Kiefer

:WHT Any Other


Men's Individual All-Around

Day 5, August 10th, 2016


:CHN Deng Shudi

:CUB Manrique Larduet

:GBR Max Whitlock

:GER Fabian Hambuechen

:JPN Kohei Uchimura

:RUS David Belyavskiy

:RUS Nikolai Kuksenkov

:UKR Oleg Verniaiev

:USA Samuel Mikulak

:WHT Any Other


Men's Double Trap

Day 5, August 10th, 2016


:AUS James Willett

:CHN Qiang Pang

:GER Andreas Loew

:GBR Tim Kneale

:ITA Antonino Barilla

:ITA Marco Innocenti

:MLT William Chetcuti

:RUS Vasily Mosin

:USA Walton Eller

:USA Joshua Richmond

:WHT Any Other


Women's Individual

Day 6, August 11th, 2016


:CHN Jiaxin Wu

:TPE Chien-Ying Le

:TPE Ya-Ting Tan

:IND Deepika Kumari

:ITA Guendalina Sartori

:KOR Hye Jin Chang

:KOR Misun Choi

:KOR Bo Bae Ki

:RUS Ksenia Perova

:WHT Any Other



Day 6, August 11th, 2016


:ARG Argentina

:AUS Australia

:FIJ Fiji

:FRA France

:GBR Great Britain

:KEN Kenya

:NZL New Zealand

:RSA South Africa

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Women's 50m Rifle 3 Positions

Day 6, August 11th, 2016


:CHN Binbin Zhang

:CRO Snjezana Pejcic

:GER Barbara Engleder

:IRI Mahlagha Jambozorg

:ITA Petra Zublasing

:KAZ Yelizaveta Korol

:MGL Nandinzaya Gankhuyag

:NOR Malin Westerheim

:USA Virginia Thrasher

:WHT Any Other


Men's Singles

Day 6, August 11th, 2016


:BLR Vladimir Samsonov

:CHN Long Ma

:CHN Jike Zhang

:GER Dimitrij Ovtcharov

:GER Timo Boll

:HKG Chun Ting Wong

:JPN Jun Mizutani

:POR Marcos Freitas

:TPE Chih-Yuan Chuang

:WHT Any Other


Men's Team Foil

Day 7, August 12th, 2016


:BRA Brazil

:CHN China

:EGY Egypt

:FRA France

:GBR Great Britain

:ITA Italy

:RUS Russia

:USA United States


Women's Skeet

Day 7, August 12th, 2016


:CHN Wei Ning

:CYP Andri Eleftheriou

:ITA Diana Bacosi

:ITA Chiara Cainero

:GBR Amber Hill

:SVK Danka Bartekova

:THA Sutiya Jiewchaloemmit

:USA Morgan Craft

:USA Kimberly Rhode

:WHT Any Other


Women's Team Sabre

Day 8, August 13th, 2016


:FRA France

:ITA Italy

:MEX Mexico

:POL Poland

:RUS Russia

:KOR South Korea

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States


Men's Individual

Day 8, August 13th, 2016


:BLR Uladzislau Hancharou

:CHN Dong Dong

:CHN Lei Gao

:FRA Sebastian Martiny

:JPN Masaki Ito

:JPN Ginga Munetomo

:NZL Dylan Schmidt

:RUS Dmitrii Ushakov

:RUS Andrey Yudin

:WHT Any Other


Men's 25m Rapid Fire Pistol

Day 8, August 13th, 2016


:CHN Yuehong Li

:CHN Fusheng Zhang

:FRA Jean Quiquampoix

:GER Oliver Geis

:GER Christian Reitz

:JPN Teruyoshi Akiyama

:RUS Alexei Klimov

:KOR Junhong Kim

:USA Keith Sanderson

:WHT Any Other


Women's Singles

Day 8, August 13th, 2016


:AUS Samantha Stosur

:CAN Eugenie Bouchard

:CZE Petra Kvitova

:GER Angelique Kerber

:POL Agnieszka Radwanska

:ESP Garbiñe Muguruza

:SUI Timea Bacsinszky

:USA Madison Keys

:USA Serena Williams

:WHT Any Other


Men's Individual

Day 9, August 14th, 2016


:ESP Sergio Garcia

:ESP Rafa Cabrera Bello

:GBR Danny Willett

:GBR Justin Rose

:SWE Henrik Stenson

:USA Bubba Watson

:USA Rickie Fowler

:USA Patrick Reed

:USA Matt Kuchar

:WHT Any Other


Men's Pommel Horse

Day 9, August 14th, 2016


:ARM Harutyun Merdinyan

:CRO Filip Ude

:GBR Louis Smith

:GBR Max Whitlock

:HUN Vid Hidvegi

:JPN Kohei Uchimura

:RUS David Belyavskiy

:UKR Oleg Verniaiev

:USA Alexander Naddour

:WHT Any Other


Women's Uneven Bars

Day 9, August 14th, 2016


:CHN Yilin Fan

:FRA Loan His

:GBR Ruby Harrold

:GER Sophie Scheder

:NED Lieke Wevers

:RUS Maria Paseka

:RUS Daria Spiridonova

:USA Gabrielle Douglas

:USA Madison Kocian

:WHT Any Other


Men's RS:X

Day 9, August 14th, 2016


:CHN Wang Aichen

:FRA Pierre Le Coq

:GBR Nick Dempsey

:GRE Byron Kokkalanis

:ISR Shahar Tzuberi

:ITA Mattia Camboni

:NED Dorian van Rijsselberghe

:POL Piotr Myszka

:ESP Ivan Pastor

:SUI Matteo Sanz Lanz

:WHT Any Other


Men's Singles

Day 9, August 14th, 2016


:ARG Juan-Martin del Potro

:BEL David Goffin

:CRO Marin Cilic

:FRA Gaël Monfils

:FRA Gilles Simon

:FRA Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

:GBR Andy Murray

:JPN Kei Nishikori

:SRB Novak Djokovic

:ESP David Ferrer

:ESP Rafael Nadal

:WHT Any Other


Individual Dressage

Day 10, August 15th, 2016


:GBR Charlotte Dujardin

:GER Kristina Bröring-Sprehe

:GER Dorothee Schneider

:GER Isabell Werth

:NED Edward Gal

:NED Hans Peter Minderhoud

:ESP Beatriz Ferrer-Salat

:SWE Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfven

:USA Laura Graves

:USA Steffen Peters

:WHT Any Other


Men's Rings

Day 10, August 15th, 2016


:BRA Arthur Zanetti

:CHN Hao You

:CHN Yang Liu

:FRA Samir Ait Said

:GRE Eleftherios Petrounias

:NED Yury van Gelder

:RUS Denis Abliazin

:UKR Igor Radivilov

:UKR Oleg Verniaiev

:WHT Any Other


Women's Laser Radial

Day 10, August 15th, 2016


:BEL Evi van Acker

:CHN Xu Lijia

:CRO Tina Mihelic

:DEN Anne-Marie Rindom

:FIN Tuula Tenkanen

:GBR Alison Young

:LTU Gintare Scheidt

:NED Marit Bouwmeester

:SWE Josefin Olsson

:USA Paige Railey

:WHT Any Other


Men's 3m Springboard

Day 11, August 16th, 2016


:CHN Yuan Cao

:CHN Chao He

:GBR Jack Laugher

:JPN Ken Terauchi

:MEX Rommel Pacheco

:RUS Evgenii Kuznetsov

:RUS Ilya Zakharov

:UKR Illya Kvasha

:USA Kristian Ipsen

:WHT Any Other


Women's Floor

Day 11, August 16th, 2016


:BRA Flavia Lopes Saraiva

:CHN Chunsong Shang

:GBR Elissa Downie

:GBR Claudia Fragapane

:JPN Sae Miyakawa

:NED Lieke Wevers

:SUI Giulia Steingruber

:USA Simone Biles

:USA Alexandra Raisman

:WHT Any Other


Mixed Nacra 17

Day 11, August 16th, 2016


:ARG Lange/Saroli

:ARU van der Velden/Visser

:AUS Waterhouse/Darmanin

:AUT Zajac/Frank

:DEN Norregaard/Viborg And.

:FRA Besson/Riou

:GBR Saxton/Groves

:ITA Bissaro/Sicouri

:NZL Jones/Saunders

:SUI Buhler/Brugger

:WHT Any Other


Women's Duet

Day 11, August 16th, 2016


:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:GRE Greece

:FRA France

:ITA Italy

:JPN Japan

:MEX Mexico

:RUS Russia

:ESP Spain

:UKR Ukraine

:WHT Any Other


Women's Team

Day 11, August 16th, 2016


:CHN China

:TPE Chinese Taipei

:GER Germany

:HKG Hong Kong

:JPN Japan

:NED Netherlands

:PRK North Korea

:SIN Singapore

:KOR South Korea

:WHT Any Other


Mixed Doubles

Day 12, August 17th, 2016


:CHN Zhang/Zhao

:CHN Xu/Ma

:DEN Fischer/Pedersen

:GBR Adcock/Adcock

:INA Ahmad/Natsir

:INA Jordan/Susanto

:JPN Kazuno/Kurihara

:KOR Ko/Kim

:MAS Chan/Goh

:WHT Any Other



Day 12, August 17th, 2016


:AUS Bawden/Clancy

:BRA Agatha/Barbara

:BRA Talita/Larissa

:CAN Bansley/Pavan

:ESP Liliana/Elsa

:GER Borger/Buthe

:GER Ludwig/Walkenhorst

:NED Meppelink/van Irsel

:USA Walsh/Ross

:WHT Any Other


Team Jumping

Day 12, August 17th, 2016


:BRA Brazil
:CAN Canada

:FRA France

:GBR Great Britain

:GER Germany

:NED Netherlands

:SWE Sweden
:SUI Switzerland

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States

:WHT Any Other


Women's 470

Day 12, August 17th, 2016


:AUT Vadlau/Ogar

:BRA Oliveira/Barbachan

:CHN Lizhu/Xiaoli

:FRA Lacointre/Defrance

:GBR Mills/Clark

:NED Kyranakou/van Veen

:NZL Aleh/Powrie

:POL Skrzypulec/Gliszczynska

:SLO Mrak/Macarol

:USA Haeger/Provancha

:WHT Any Other



Day 13, August 18th, 2016


:BRA Schmidt/Cerutti

:BRA Solberg/Junior

:ESP Herrera/Gaviria

:LAT Samoilovs/Smedins

:NED Brouwer/Meeuwsen

:POL Losiak/Kantor

:RUS Semenov/Krasilnikov

:USA Gibb/Patterson

:USA Lucena/Dalhauser

:WHT Any Other


Women's 10m Platform

Day 13, August 18th, 2016


:AUS Melissa Wu

:CAN Meaghan Benfeito

:CHN Qian Ren

:CHN Yajie Si

:GBR Tonia Couch

:MAS Pandelela Rinong Pamg

:MEX Paola Espinosa

:PRK Kuk Hyang Kim

:USA Jessica Parratto

:WHT Any Other


Men's 49er

Day 13, August 18th, 2016


:AUS Outteridge/Jensen

:AUT Delle Karth/Resch

:DEN Warrer/Lübeck

:GER Heil/Plosser

:GBR Fletcher/Sign

:IRL Seaton/McGovern

:NZL Burling/Tuke

:POL Januszewski/Nowak

:POR Lima/Costa

:ESP Bottin/Lopez

:WHT Any Other


Women's Singles

Day 14, August 19th, 2016


:CHN Wang Yihan

:CHN Li Xuerui

:TPE Tai Tzu Ying

:ESP Carolina Marin

:IND Saina Nahwal

:JPN Nozomi Okuhara

:JPN Akane Yamaguchi

:KOR Sung Yi Hyun

:THA Ratchanok Intanon

:WHT Any Other


Women's Team

Day 14, August 19th, 2016


:AUS Australia

:BRA Brazil

:CHN China

:EGY Egypt

:ITA Italy

:JPN Japan

:RUS Russia

:UKR Ukraine


Men's Singles

Day 15, August 20th, 2016


:CHN Chen Long

:CHN Lin Dan

:TPE Chou Tien Chen

:DEN Jan Ø Jørgensen

:DEN Viktor Axelsen

:INA Tommy Sugiarto

:IND Srikanth Kidambi

:MAS Lee Chong Wei

:KOR Son Wan Ho

:WHT Any Other


Women's Individual

Day 15, August 20th, 2016


:CAN Brooke Henderson

:NZL Lydia Ko

:KOR Inbee Park

:KOR Sei Young Kim

:KOR Amy Yang

:SWE Anna Nordqvist

:THA Ariya Jutanugarn

:USA Lexi Thompson

:USA Stacy Lewis

:WHT Any Other


Women's Individual All-Around

Day 15, August 20th, 2016


:AZE Marinda Durunda

:BLR Melitina Staniouta

:GEO Saloma Pazhava

:ISR Neta Rivkin

:RUS Yana Kudryavtseva

:RUS Margarita Mamun

:KOR Yeon-Jae Son

:UKR Ganna Rizatdinova

:USA Laura Zeng

:WHT Any Other


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