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Short Track Speed Skating ISU World Cup 2023 - 2024

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ISU World Cup 2023/24 - :CAN Montréal (Stage 1/6)


Women's 500m:


01. :NED Xandra Velzeboer

02. :NED Selma Poutsma

03. :ITA Martina Valcepina


Men's 500m:


01. :CHN Liu Shaoang

02. :CAN Felix Roussel

03. :FRA Quentin Fercoq

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Nice finish by :KOR Kim Gilli in the final of the 2nd women's 1.000m when she sneakily passed :BEL Desmet and :USA Santos-Griswold who were fighting for first the entire race up to the last corner.

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ISU World Cup 2023/24 - :CAN Montréal (Stage 1/6)


Women's 1.000m [2/2]:


01. :KOR Kim Gilli

02. :BEL Hanne Desmet

03. :USA Kristen Santos-Griswold


Men's 1.000m [2/2]:


01. :KOR Kim Gun Woo

02. :ITA Luca Spechenhauser

03. :CAN William Dandjinou

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All 8 individual distances have been finished during this first World Cup weekend and we have 8 different winners: Kristen Santos-Griswold, Hanne Desmet, Xandra Velzeboer, Kim Gilli, Park Ji Won, Hwang Daeheon, Liu Shaoang, and Kim Gun Woo.


On top of that, 13 more skaters that won at least one medal. So the 24 medals on the individual distances were split between 21 different skaters from 9 different countries. Very exciting and unpredictable first World Cup weekend! :yes

Edited by Dennis
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ISU World Cup 2023/24 - :CAN Montréal (Stage 1/6)


Women's 3.000m Relay:


01. :CAN Canada

02. :USA United States of America

03. :NED the Netherlands


Men's 5.000m Relay:


01. :CAN Canada

02. :KOR South Korea

03. :JPN Japan

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Japan is the 10th country to win a medal here! Bold race from them, racing at or near the front for most of the race, despite being the weakest team on paper. :yes

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ISU World Cup 2023/24 - :CAN Montréal (Stage 2/6)


Women's 1.500m [1/2]:


01. :KOR Kim Gilli

02. :USA Kristen Santos-Griswold

03. :CAN Danae Blais


Men's 1.500m [1/2]:


01. :CAN William Dandjinou

02. :KOR Hwang Daeheon

03. :KOR Kim Gun Woo

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