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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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2 minutes ago, hckosice said:

The State of Emergency in Slovakia officially started.


+ some updates from last night


  • Our Mobile operators have offered the government that they can provide them data of their customers, in order to know peoples in which countries have been last days and quarantining the ones being in the risk areas (first action possible due State of Emergency)
  • The prime minister also threatened with possible fines (and speaking about amounts of 10 thousands of EUR) the Orthodox Church, which as the only one of all churches in the country refused to cancel religious meetings and masses ..Just a couple of minutes ago, they announced they will submit to the will of the legislators and all masses will be canceled for two weeks also in the orthodox church. Even the Islamic confederation in the country announced they will not organize the common fridays prays in Bratislava islamic centre (something like a action of the 6 muslims in the coutry) :p
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6 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


Fired up Netflix yet?





also better erase all VPNs from my PC while there is still never know with our gov :p

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18 minutes ago, hckosice said:





also better erase all VPNs from my PC while there is still never know with our gov :p

What's the problem with VPNs? :d




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1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

We still haven’t been travel from South Korea. We’re just began screening foreign travelers. Also, there’s a loophole in his plan thanks to the UK, so all Europeans just have to fly out of Heathrow now.

Or Dublin, which has a US customs and border immigration pre clearance 

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11 hours ago, Agger said:

And how do the Danes react to things closing down?

Rushing to the stores making it look like never before to hoard toilet paper, yeast, frozen fries and whatever. Just few minutes after the prime minister made it very clear that there's plenty in the stores if people keep calm. And on top of that there are plenty of stories of people complaining about queues and lacking goods.


I'm bloody disappointed and feel bad for the people working in the stores, those usually doing their shopping in the evening and whoever is going to get their grocery early tomorrow just to see that there's nothing left.






in Italy all the online shopping sites (especially the main 2: Esselunga Supermarkets and Amazon Prime Now) have gone tilt! :yikes:


if you try to connect to those sites, it may well be impossible for hours during the day...and if you're so lucky you can make your shopping, delivery is scheduled only 10/12 days later!:yikes: :facepalm: :wall:


we're told not to move, to use those online service and they're dead and gone...requests are over by 500%+ than usual and they don't even know how to face such increased demand...


and if you need some fresh vegetables and fruit and milk (all things you can't store for weeks, you always need to buy only what you really use in a short period, otherwise they go bad before you can even touch them), there's no chance you get them in a reasonable span...


I fear it's gonna be a very long month of March...:cry:

Edited by phelps
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5 hours ago, heywoodu said:


A surprisingly not-dumb thing coming out of his mouth. Half of China travelling around the world in the midst of an outbreak in China and a lot of European countries barely doing anything until it's rather late are two of the main factors..


do you know that the biggest "Chinatown" and "Koreatown" in the world are located in NY and LA? (not exactly in Europe)...


so, if thios virus spreads also in the US, nobody should blame Europe for spreading it more than themselves...


even China waited for months before they realized that damned thing was totally out of control and warned the rest of the world about what was coming (after letting million people fly around the world for thei new year's celebrations)...


so, once again Trump said only dumb things...the only things you can expect from such irresponsible man...

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