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  On 2/18/2018 at 9:26 PM, DaniSRB said:

@hckosice @heywoodu, do you ever sleep? :d




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My schedule for Day 11


01:05 Curling M GBR vs NOR (live of few 1st ends)

02:00 Figure Skating Mixed Ice Dance Free dance of Myslivečková/Csolley (live)

02:30 Freestyle Skiing W Halfpipe Finals (live)

04:10 Ice Hockey M Round of 16 SVK vs USA  (live) :pope::pope::pope::pope::pope::pope:

+/- 06:40 Figure Skating Mixed Ice Dance Re-watch of last 2 groups of Free Dance (Replay)

08:10 Freestyle Skiing M Halfpipe Re-watch of Qualications 2nd Run (Replay)

08:40 Ice Hockey M Round of 16 SLO vs NOR  (live)

11:00 Nordic Combined Individual Large Hill Gundersen Ski Jumping Part (live)

12:15 Biathlon Mixed Teams Relay  (live)

13:45 Nordic Combined Individual Large Hill Gundersen Cross-Country Skiing Part (live)

14:30 Ice Hockey M Round of 16  SUI vs GER  (live from 3rd Period)

+/- 15:25 Ice Hockey M Round of 16 FIN vs KOR  (Shortened Highlights)

16:00 Short Track W Re-Watch of 3000m Team Relay Final (Replay)




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  On 2/19/2018 at 7:16 PM, hckosice said:

My schedule for Day 11



04:10 Ice Hockey M Round of 16 SVK vs USA  (live) :pope::pope::pope::pope::pope::pope:






good luck!


p.s. is it on STV1 or STV2? :mumble:

STV1, I guess (but I need your confirmation)...

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  On 2/19/2018 at 8:07 PM, phelps said:


good luck!


p.s. is it on STV1 or STV2? :mumble:

STV1, I guess (but I need your confirmation)...



Yes STV 1, the studio is expected to start at 03:50

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  On 2/19/2018 at 8:12 PM, hckosice said:


Yes STV 1, the studio is expected to start at 03:50



thanks...I think I'm going to record it and watch it later in the morning (since there's not much goin' on until 11 a.m.)...;)

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Events are becoming more sparse. I somehow already started to fill that postolympic "depression" when first few days you cant believe that is all over.

I will miss hckosice planned schedule for every day,it actually helped me a lot to know what major events i should follow live. Also,i will miss phelps reports about games,compared with previous games he watched. I started thinking about my first summer and winter games...

Luckilly,there will be replays on official channel.:d

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My schedule for Day 12


01:05 Curling W SWE vs CHN (live)

03:00 Alpine Skiing W Downhill (live)

04:30 Figure Skating W Singles Short Program (live)

06:30 Freestyle Skiing M Ski Cross SF + Final (delayed live)

06:55 Ice Hockey M QF CZE vs USA (Replay)

09:00 Cross-Country Skiing W Team Sprint SF (live)

09:40 Cross-Country Skiing M Team Sprint SF (live)

10:30 Ice Hockey W BRONZE MEDAL MATCH FIN vs OAR  (live of the last minutes of the match)

11:00 Cross-Country Skiing W Team Sprint F (live)

11:30 Cross-Country Skiing M Team Sprint F (live)

12:00 Speed Skating M and W Team Pursuit Finals (live)

13:50 Bobsleigh W 2-Man Run 4 (live)

14:45 Ice Hockey M QF CAN vs FIN (live of the last minutes of the match)

+/- 15:25 Ice Hockey M QF SWE vs GER (Shortened Replay)


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My schedule for Day 13


01:30 Snowboarding W Big Air Finals Run 1 (live)

02:00 Alpine Skiing M Slalom 1st Run (live)

03:30 Alpine Skiing W Alpine Combined 1st Run Comb. Downhill (live)

04:50 Snowboarding W Big Air Finals Re-Watch of Finals Run 3 (Replay)

05:30 Alpine Skiing M Slalom 2nd Run (live)

07:00 Alpine Skiing W Alpine Combined 2nd Run Comb. Slalom (live)

08:30 Nordic Combined M Teams Ski Jumping (live)

09:30 Freestyle Skiing M Halfpipe Re-Watch of the Finals (replay)

11:00 Nordic Combined M Teams Cross-Country Skiing 4x5km Relay (Live)

12:15 Biathlon W 4x6km Relay (live)

13:45 Short Track Re-Watch of M 500m SF + F, W 1000m SF + F and M 5000m Relay FA  (Replay)



14:45 Ice Hockey W Final USA vs CAN (yeah baby the Full Replay with popcorn)




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My schedule for Day 14


02:00 Freestyle Skiing W Ski Cross Finals (live)

03:25 Figure Skating W Singles Free Skating (live)


07:35 Curling M Bronze Medal Match SUI vs CAN (live of first ends)

08:40 Ice Hockey M SF CZE vs OAR  (live)

11:00 Speed Skating M 1000m (live)

+/- 12:20 Biathlon M 4x7.5km Teams Relay (live)

13:50 Ice Hockey M SF GER vs CAN  (live)

15:30 Curling M Bronze Medal Match SUI vs CAN Re-Watch of last ends (Replay)


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I like tomorrow's schedule...:lol:


I can sleep all night and start with some Hockey early in the morning, followed by Speedskating, then Biathlon, finally some Curling...and that's it for the live session...


in the afternoon, time for the delayed events like Ski Cross and the second semifinal of the men's Hockey tournament...

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