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Sailing ASCON African Olympic Qualifier 2023

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  On 12/8/2023 at 9:09 PM, Benolympique said:
in ilca any possibilities of seeing small nations? do you have the entry list?

Entry lists are here:


In Ilca7 are only :FIJ and :SAM compiting for two quotas. I don't know if it would get realocated or they won them directly. In 49er, women's IQ foil and Nacra is just :AUS boats, I don't know what happens either. In Women's Kite :NZL is the only one without the quota.


In Ilca6 are :FIJ:NZL and :SAM compiting for two quotas, so at least one of the small NOCs would qualify.


In Men's IQfoil there are no entries so the quota would get reallocated. In 49er FX the same.


In men's Kite :AUS:NZL:TGA and :VAN for one quota. 


In 470, :AUS vs :NZL.



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The events with only :AUS or :NZL eligible are still good, they met the minimum standard at the 2023 World Championships. Obviously the events with no eligible nations will be reallocated. For the ILCA 7 only one quota will be awarded (assuming World Sailing does change the qualification protocol again)

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  On 12/8/2023 at 8:06 PM, Jur said:


Women's IQFOIL :WHT (Not enough NOCs compiting)

Men's kite :MRI 

Women's kite :MRI



In IQFOIL women , :ALG got the Gold+silver ... in the site of federation , they are saying she is qualified 

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Championnats d'Afrique de Voile: titre continental et billet olympique pour Boudrouma et Berrichi



Les véliplanchistes algériens Ramy Boudrouma et Amina Berrichi ont décroché la médaille d'or dans la spécialité IQ Foil des championnats d'Afrique de voile, clôturés ce vendredi matin sur les rives de la mer rouge en Egypte, arrachant par la même occasion une qualification aux prochains Jeux olympiques d'été, prévus en 2024 à Paris (France).

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