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[OFF TOPIC] Sports Commentators


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About gymnastics commentators, I have to say that my favorite Brazilian commentator is Andrea João. She is a former gymnast who never had much success, but as a commentator she is a standout. Her personality is over the top and she often makes funny remarks (sometimes unintentionally) that crack me up. Her one liners when gymnasts fail sound hilarious for us: "the witch broke loose" (something only old people would say), "he/she was not happy" (with a strong accent typical from people from Rio de Janeiro), "he/she is very bad" (very unorthodox for commentators in Brazil to speak their minds like this). She fits the "it's so bad it's good" category very well, and by now (she's been commenting for more than 15 years) we're all used to her style and craziness. Pure gold. Oh, and once she was asked to comment after an emotional piece of video recounting the hardships faced by canoeist Izaquias Queiroz. He was very poor and he lived in a stilt house over a swamp, or something like this, and the video was very touching. When Andrea João was asked to comment, she missed the mark completely: she smiled to the camera and said "Oh, he's a canoeist, so it is so good for him that he lived up there. He had plenty of space to train." The news anchor by her side was extremely embarrassed and she kept smiling like a crazy person afterward. Hilarious.

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Polish ES commentators Tomasz Jaronski (age 64) & Krzysztof Wyrzykowski (age 74) have grown over the years to become my favorites. They do cycling in the spring/summer & biathlon in the winter. It's down to the fact biathlon is my 2nd favorite winter sport after alping skiing but they're always in the mood for one-liners or some ancient stories nobody has heard of or cares about (like the one during mixed relay about ordering coffee in Italian while on trip to Sud Tirol).


Plus they always have something to say about the physical shape of women biathletes. The new trend over the past 2/3 years is Dorothea Wierer's eye make-up. And they agreed Ann-Kathrin Flatland was the best looking girl on IBU tour ever :lol:   They're also pretty high on Wierer (duh), Soukalova (retired) & Eva Puskarcikova :rolleyes: Miriam Goessner was also in the mill especially after her Playboy shoot :cool:


Also whenever someone misses 3 shots or more she goes by "poor girl" no matter the name or country.

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About Herbert Cool: he always invites people to ask questions on Twitter during live broadcasts (which people do quite a lot) and always says people can send it to "@CoolHerbert, with the C as in 'cool'" :p 


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Late Mike Tucker (also known as "BBC's voice of equestrianism") partly got me into the sport. His commentating in Rio was priceless, when together with almost equally witty Ian Stark he delivered lots of briliant, old school humour and remarks . Tucker passed away suddenly last year, almost immediately after going into retirement. :( Lucinda Green is another legendary equestrian commentator.


Among other commentators, Martin Haven and John Morgan are an excellent duo for bobsleigh/skeleton. Singer (aka luge announcer) is good too, but honestly I kind of prefer when Bree Schaaf takes over. Controversial Winterton/Dixon are not bad, but sometimes they get too cheery for my liking. FEItv has a nice duo for dressage world cups with lots of chemistry (paralympian Natasha Baker and Spencer something), but occasionally they talk too much.


Among the active athlete-commentators, Emily Sweeney and Judy Reynolds are the two standouts... Arturs Darznieks is funny too.


As for the Croatian commentators... I wouldn't really know. There is one edgy commentator who screams a lot during the football matches. Others are just bad. My attempts at watching Rio 2016 / Pyeongchang 2018 on national TV were dreadful. Opening ceremony of Rio 2016 was particularly cringeworthy, since the commentating duo simply ignored the nations whose names they couldn't translate into Croatian. :crazy: There used to be some very fine commentators around, but almost all of them have kind of retired at this point.


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  On 3/9/2019 at 3:50 PM, Monzanator said:

Polish ES commentators Tomasz Jaronski (age 64) & Krzysztof Wyrzykowski (age 74) have grown over the years to become my favorites. They do cycling in the spring/summer & biathlon in the winter. It's down to the fact biathlon is my 2nd favorite winter sport after alping skiing but they're always in the mood for one-liners or some ancient stories nobody has heard of or cares about (like the one during mixed relay about ordering coffee in Italian while on trip to Sud Tirol).


Plus they always have something to say about the physical shape of women biathletes. The new trend over the past 2/3 years is Dorothea Wierer's eye make-up. And they agreed Ann-Kathrin Flatland was the best looking girl on IBU tour ever :lol:   They're also pretty high on Wierer (duh), Soukalova (retired) & Eva Puskarcikova :rolleyes: Miriam Goessner was also in the mill especially after her Playboy shoot :cool:


Also whenever someone misses 3 shots or more she goes by "poor girl" no matter the name or country.


You didn't mention the most significant part of their biathlon commentary - "rach, ciach, ciach" which they say after Polish athletes make 10/10 or 20/20 (sometimes even 5/5 when they're in good mood).

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Just can in here to say: NBC SUCKS!! 

And that they should hire me

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 3/9/2019 at 4:52 PM, Olympian1010 said:

Just can in here to say: NBC SUCKS!! 

And that they should hire me


Their coverage of sports is top notch and great, but thier commentators kill me

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 3/9/2019 at 4:17 PM, dcro said:

Singer (aka luge announcer) is good too, but honestly I kind of prefer when Bree Schaaf takes over. 


Among the active athlete-commentators, Emily Sweeney and Judy Reynolds are the two standouts... Arturs Darznieks is funny too.



Schaaf is way too hyperexcited about everything for my taste. Or it's just her voice, I don't know. I like what she says, I don't like how she brings it :p 


Darznieks is pretty cool, I like Dajana Eitberger as well.


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I still remember Luca Trammontin when he was covering Ice hockey WCh few years ago. Probably funniest pronounciation and English accent ever. Not that his technical skills was flawless but his English :lol:

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So Mike and Patrick gave Mona Brorsson the wrong boyfriend (Peppe Femling) and Hannah Oeberg to Sebastian Samuelsson. And then apologized like an hour later. Lol

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