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Totallympics Announcements Thread

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Original Thread: Do you prefer the old or the new Totallympics?



I really don't know what to vote. Being a lover of results posts I prefer the old forum but in last days I saw this is a modern forum which more options and I'm used with this new format already. I think it's a bit too early to decide which is better:mumble:

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I voted for the old version, only because I am more familiar with the old one and I liked all the threads and results that we had. I also prefer that you can see the recently active 30 threads rather than the smaller number you can see here.

But there are features I prefer here like the notification someone has replied to the thread when you are on it.

In truth it is the content, not the server I prefered about the old one - so my vote was pretty much pointless!

Edited by uk12points
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It's hard to say. I think that having results was quite useful. For example, I could just check modern pentathlon section to see some World cup results. Now, I need to find it myself and I'm not too inclined to that. :p So I will have pretty much no idea what is happening there.

As of new software, this software is MUCH BETTER than Discuz. Only now I am able to see how horrible some parts of Discuz were. :d And, frankly, back on the old forum I didn't really understood people who complained about Discuz software. :d

So my vote goes to new Totallympics, more potential I believe.


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New one. Discuz was full of bugs from the day one. We had that blackout during London 2012, posting results wasnt easy at all. This new format is still hard to accept but looks promissing.

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The new one, by a mile. The new software makes it 1000x (literally, I've counted, trust me) better than the previous one. Mandatory results were always a big annoyance which serve little to no purpose (I've little memory, but no the point to forget the results of the race I've watched just 5 minutes ago).

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I voted for the old version for 2 main reasons :

1- I am a lover of results and statistics , and the old one had everything I wanted

2- I do not like the decision not to have a specific thread for each event but only one general for each sport .

Getting used to this with these radical changes will be tough ... right now this forum does not give me that for which I have admired for so long that one site with all the results and the information of each sport

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I agree with those who said it was early.

About software, no doubt Invision Power is better.

I like the more flexible format, encourages me to post things that I did not feel before. But I also think that a thread specific for major competitions would be interesting, with a first post with a link for schedule and results on an official website.

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As everyone said here, it's early to decide. But i am loving this new forum software. It's much better to users discussion and you can post results on this spoiler tool if you want, don't pollute at all the threads, bringing the focus on the main aim of Totallympics, discussions among users.

I still want to see how really reliable Power Board is, Discuz traumas :mumble:

Edited by Felipe
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What I didn't like in old forum (Discuz) was that the result were with such a big font, that the discussion posts were hard to see during fast scrolling. But definetly the results were useful and I think that we should go back to that. Also the threads for every event was better. My idea is to post the links to results in the first/second post of the thread and to hold the discussion only in the following posts. Another advantage of the new version is that we can see all the unread content in one place, not only 30 last updated threads (wich was also very often bugged). So technically new version, but let's go back to the old content in some new version.

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