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12 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


I have watched almost every competition in the last 2-3 years and the only problems I saw were those that would not have been solved with literally anyone else there. Yeah, that happens when there is wind.


There is only one thing that would change anything about that: never have ski jumping competitions outdoor anymore. I'm quite confident that someone else than Hofer/Tepes being in charge would not have made it a damn bit better :) 


But of course I understand people blame them when the wind causes unfair conditions, it's easier than actually blaming the natural circumstances, so it's understandable indeed. 

Funny how those circumstances are never against the austrians and germans. And the few times they are we will just cancel the whole round *cough* Schlirenzauer *cough* 4-hills. I'll try and keep count for next season, but i hope with Sedlak things will be more fairer to the smaller teams.

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1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

Criminal? :lol:


Yup, the shananigans those 2 have done with gates, winds, suits over the years that i have watched this sport are countless. After boxing and gymnastics, ski-jumping is for me the next sport in line with biased officials. 

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1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

After what feels like a gazillion years, Miran Tepes will quit his job "at the traffic lights" in men's competitions :( 

He will go to the women, and be replaced by Czech ex-jumper Borek Sedlak.,id4823,neuer-mann-ampel-miran-tepes-hoert.html

Too bad he can't take the other criminal Hoffer with him. At least we can hope for a somewhat fair competition.

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