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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Disastrous breaststroke leg for Potocká, she was leading until there. pity even a heat win would be nice for us
  2. your athlete was currently 4th after 1st stage but there no new updates for a while now
  3. My accent would be probably a huge problem
  4. In french they would call him "ce con". I´ll not translat it
  5. 16 nations composed of 1 M and 1 F competing, Boys with boys, girls with girls, top 8 teams qualify for the final
  6. To je ozaj blbé. Ale aj tak si myslím, že by to nemal byť až taký problém sa kvalifikovať pre neho, vzhľadom na situáciu okolo sankcii voči niektorým silným krajinám v tomto športe pre dopingové problémy, bude viacej voľných miest.
  7. Is there any mercy rule in 3x3 Basketball ? because it doesn´t look very motivating for girls so far
  8. Does the president in Brazil have too much power ? I mean for example in Slovakia, the president´s power is very very limited, it´s, honestly, only ceremonial. Yes, sure he can nominate and appoint prime ministers, he is the chief of the Army and has the right to veto any bill and return it to the parliament, but every his decision can be really easily overridden if the parliament decide to pass the bill again a second time.
  9. Still better than for Slovakia. The flag carrying the Slavic colors white, blue and red with the shields
  10. Fencing Gold Medalist of 1976 ladies and gentlemans
  11. Looks like a nice speech by the mayor, pity I understand nothing
  12. It took only 25 seconds for the commentator to mention Messi
  13. as expected Flag bearer: Jessica Triebeľová (Boxing)
  14. I can not find a single reason why I would do that. to vomit voluntarily ?
  15. yep, I understand that covering canoeing must be a real hardcore
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