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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. More competitors are usually competing in the M K1 + there 40 paddlers in the M K1 semifials while in the other categories only 30 athletes qualify for the semifinals usually at the major events.
  2. Petra Vlhová works this week on her power doing a mountain carrier (porter) in the Tatras
  3. So... Despite claiming they will use the classical points system of the World Cups, our federation decided to follow its own points all my counts from the previous posts were wrong lol, However now it´s fixed ! (you can see the real standing in the previous posts) Btw, if anyone want to follow the qualification himself, here the points table Rank - points for this rank (M = M events, Ž = Women events) (40 points for M K1 1st place, 30 points for win in the orther categories. same points awarded if you finish 2nd or 3rd lol.) Remember after the last 4th stage (Next years Europeans), the worst result of every athlete will be scratched !!!
  4. Tak ten včerajši nezdar Kovačócyho je extremna škoda. Ak by bol získal tu miestenku boli by sme v podstate hotoví pre streľbu. On by získal druhú kvótu v Trape a tá dodatočná z mixu by následne mohla byť vymenená pre Juraja Tužinského. Žial, nepodarilo sa, Teraz stále nie je jasné kto z nich dvoch ju využije (Bonusovú Mix Trap kvótu). Problemom je, že už tých miesteniek pre europanov už tak veľa nezostalo. Ak sa nemýlim, len dve z Európskeho šampionátu a jedna prípadna z rebríčka. Tripartity sa nás netýkajú, tie sú len pre krajiny, ktoré nemajú žiadneho kvalifikovaného športovca a mali menej ako 7 športovcov celkovo v priemere na minulých OH. A jasne, veľká gratulácia Liptákovi, (nádherne "ryze" slovenské meno btw) a CZE tímu za dve kvoty z trapu
  5. Jj Dík Bolo to ozaj prekvápko, aj keď v posledných týždňoch ukazoval chlapec veľmi slušnú formu. Zlato na univerziáde, finále ne EH tuším aj nejaký pekný výsledok na nejakom sveťáku takže to rozhodne zas neprišlo len tak z ničoho ale príjemne prekvapenie to určite je. Ešte keby sa podarilo postúpiť aj Tužinskému v pištoli, tomu by som to veľmi prial, zatiaľ mu akosi tie miestenky stále tesne unikajú.
  6. So before the match Francs - Albania they played the anthem to Albania and then the speaker apologized for the mistake to the Armenian fans so like says the french: "alors la, Chapeau les gars"
  7. Stage 1 in Cardrona (NZL) Men´s Halfpipe: 1. Birk Irving 95.60 2. Noah Bowman 93.40 3. Aaron Blunck 92.80 Full Final Result HERE
  8. Stage 1 in Cardrona (NZL) Women´s Halfpipe: 1. Zhang Kexin 91.00 2. Eileen Gu 89.00 3. Valeriya Demidova 87.80 Full Final Result HERE
  9. Freestyle Skiing FIS World Cup 2019 - 2020 Multi-Stage Event - 6 September 2019 - 8 March 2020 Official Website
  10. I am afraid, you are confusing me with someone else here I really don´t know much about Basketball, look at my predictions, I thought Canada is a super power house and they even didn´t qualify for the second round lol, I knew the Czechs are currently super hyped by their return after million years to the worlds and I assumed by this they will certainly do well, and for Brazil, sorry but I really didn´t know they are supposed to be favorites.
  11. well, that perfectly show my knowledge of this sport, I had no idea is good in this
  12. Hey brothers, we both really should return back our attentions to hockey and leave this thing called football to the others
  13. now I really want to ask, which wikipedia outage are you speaking about last 2 days ? It never stopped to work
  14. I knew Kovačócy will mess it up...pity the whole situation would be clear if he would have won this one also for Tužinský...nah
  15. Today it´s already 8 years, but the memories remain RIP Lokomotiv Yaroslavl 2011 squad Mikhail Balandin (31), Gennady Churilov (24), Alexander Galimov (26), Marat Kalimulin (23), Alexander Kalyanin (23), Andrej Kiryukhin (24), Nikita Klyukin (21), Maxim Shuvalov (18), Pavel Snurnitsyn (19), Ivan Tkachenko (31), Pavel Trakhanov (33), Yuri Urychev (20), Alexander Vasyunov (23), Artem Jarchuk (21) Jan Marek (31), Karel Rachůnek (32), Josef Vašíček (30) Vitalii Anikeenko (24), Daniil Sobchenko (20) Sergei Ostapchuk (21), Ruslan Salei (36) Pavol DEMITRA (36) Robert Dietrich (25) Karlis Skrastins (37) Stefan Liv (30) RIP Legend, RIP Champion, RIP our #38
  16. Internal Qualifier after Event 2/4 (Day #1) M C1 Rank Athlete WC Stage 4 WC Stage 5 World Champs European Champs Total 1 Matej Beňuš 28 30 58 2 Michal Martikán 28 28 56 3 Alexander Slafkovský 30 25 55 W K1 Rank Athlete WC Stage 4 WC Stage 5 World Champs European Champs Total 1 Eliška Mintálová 18 28 46 2 Jana Dukátová 21 8 29 3 Elena Kaliská 16 4 20 What a fight in M C1 last week Slafkovský won the WC event and today Beňuš the next one, All 3 were in the finals top 10 in both events...and yes we can earn only 1 quota...
  17. Stage 5/5 in Prague (CZE) Women´s K1: 1. Jessica Fox 101.11 (0) 2. Ana Satila 103.98 (0) 3. Eva Tercelj 104.30 (0) Full Final Result HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ World Cup 2019 Final Standing Women´s K1: 1. Jessica Fox 278 2. Eva Tercelj 265 3. Corinna Kuhnle 248 Full Final Result HERE
  18. Stage 5/5 in Prague (CZE) Men´s C1: 1. Matej Beňuš 100.26 (0) 2. Kirill Setkin 102.43 (0) 3. Luka Bozic 103.42 (2) Full Final Result HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ World Cup 2019 Final Standing Men´s C1: 1. Matej Beňuš 289 2. Luka Bozic 287 3. Michal Martikán 248 Full Final Result HERE
  19. yeah well, thankfully now when the borders are open it looks like the whole Slovakia can "easily" travel to Croatia and enjoy the sea but at the time of the communism when leaving the country was forbidden the peoples had to enjoy our fabulous lakes resorts, so you have really easily to uderstand why Slovaks loves sea
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