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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. One of the events I really miss at the Olympics is the classic Olympic 100km Team Time Trial, always searching from videos of this event, once I watched the full replay of the race from Barcelona 1992 but it looks the video has been removed, now there this one from 1988 sadly only a 10 min highlights from USA TV with even a part of "Auferstanden aus ruinen" at the end
  2. well, it is just to make an example of the neutral gender. "Dieťa" in slovakian means children, and dieťa is classified in the neutral gender, but ofc no children will say it this way, a boy will say it obviously in the masculine and girl in feminin gender. It´s a really complicated grammar. trust me. Among the "neutral gender" nouns is for example also the word "Dievča" or "dievčatko" girl or little girl, but you use it only to say about, the girls themselves will speak using the femiine gender. Again to understan a bit what I am trying to explain you just look at the wikipedia because there no chance I´ll be able to explain you correctly and you´ll never understand what I am trying to explain
  3. Ah, ok. yes, sure Male: I had a beer. "Ja som mal pivo" Female: I had a beer. " Ja som mala pivo" Male: I am hungry. "Ja som hladný" Female: I am hungry. "Ja som hladná" + there the third gender "neutral" for example a children, who would say "Ja som malo pivo" and "Ja som bolo hladné"
  4. not sure if I understood correctly lol but yes, Always, because everything is depending on the gender. The main thing is to remember that Slovak language has singular and plural number and three gender forms - masculine, feminin, neutral. the ending of the words thus change depending on the given combination of the grammatical gender it´s so freaking complicated that I don´t even know how to explain use wiki if you want + we have one other special thing the kids had to learn, it is called (vybrane slová) litterally translated as - the chosen words - it´s the only words when you have to write y instead of i after b, m, p, r, t, s, v, z and l in all others you have to write i
  5. For Winter Olympics. Best - Vancouver 2010 all the way, First historic gold, 3 medals (1-1-1), and unforgettable journey of our hockey warriors. + the biggest delegation with both hockey teams even if in terms of medals PyeongChang is the most successful with 1-2-0 Worst - Salt Lake 2002 and the NHL bullshit throwing away one of our biggest medal chances in Ice Hockey not allowing our stars to play in the first round, consequences with only 12 players from domestic league (the rest was prepared for the NHL-ers from the second round) we lost all games, the NHLers being allowed only to play the 13trh place match we won against France without any problem. the fun fact, 3 months later with almost all the NHL-ers we became for the first and only time World Champions.
  6. well, this one is easy. Best - Beijing 2008. Hammering and destroying the canoeing Slalom competition Worst - London 2012. Hopefully the only Summer Olympics in history of Slovakia without gold medal + a small mention to Sydney 2000 thanks our biggest delegation in history ncluding 3 team sports (M Football, M Water Polo and W Basketball) the only games with SVK representatives in team sports
  7. yeah, just imagine this nightmare of every young boy and girl in this country + The Slovak language distinguishes six cases and we express more gramatical meanings in one word by adding special element. and to make the things even less easier In Slovak language we conjugate verbs and decline nouns. + Ending of the noun, adjective, pronoun and numeral depends on the case that we use. To know what are the endings of nouns for each case there is following review of noun forms. Nouns are divided according to the gender and each gender has four noun types. Masculine nouns have the subcategory – animate and inanimate + Apart tense there is a category of aspect. Most of the verbs exist in couples – perfective and imperfective. Perfective is used for completed actions – in the past it is completed action, in present form verbs have future meaning. Imperfective is used for present actions, incompleted and continuous actions. just a small example . Slovakia - in Slovak is Slovensko now: from Slovakia, of Slovakia - zo slovenska, od slovenska from Slovakian - zo slovenskej for Slovakian - pre slovenských to Slovakia, in Slovakia - Na slovensku with Slovakia - so slovenskom Slovak man - slovak Slovak woman - slovenka Slovak (noun masculine) - slovenský Slovak (noun feminine) - slovenská Slovak (noun neutral) - slovenské Slovaks (noun masculine) - slovenskí etc...
  8. Well, this doesn´t really answered my question, the only thing I see is that you looks to not be very satisfied with your school system. well, the truth is that each country certainly has its pros and cons, our system also has many shortcomings. I have to admit that I never liked our schools system I always found it too strict. although in the other hand I also must admit that the main reason was grammar. it was a torture for me. it may not seem like that, but our grammar really is one of the most difficult in the world.
  9. Nairo Quintana officially signed for Arkea-Samsic he´ll be accompanied by his brother Dayer, another Colombian Winner Anacona and italian Diego Rosa
  10. Firefighters extinguished the fire in the field in a few minutes Czech fire-fighters from the Moravian-Silesian Region used an interesting tactic for fire-fighting. They sprayed the water on the flames from the nozzle connected to the pump on the side of the firecar. Similarly, usually the roads are pouring during the hot summer, but it is not a common practice in fire-fighting at all. As can be seen in the pictures published by Czech firefighters, the unconventional method of fire fighting somehow proved to be successful. The fire was extinguished in only a couple of minutes. There was no need to stretch the hoses or anyone to control the water cannon from the firecar. Only thng required was to have a quite skilled driver and colleagues who were willing to navigate him properly.
  11. This years "Okolo Slovenska" Tour of Slovakia will be in one word - Historic with a big H ! Not because of the route (which is just meh this year, only one stage in the Tatras and all remaining stages build for sprinters in the flat parts of the country. I am very disappointed by the track for this edition) but thanks to the start list ! The organizing committee presented to the medias today the final start lists including the likes of Elia Viviani, Alexander Kristoff, Arnaud Demarre, Thibaut Pinot or Emanuel Buchmann The World Tour teams nominations Bora-Hansgrohe: Emanuel Buchmann, Erik Baška, Maciej Bodnar, Oscar Gatto, Lukas Pöstlberger, Andreas Schillinger, Juraj Sagan CCC: Amaro Antunes, Kamil Gradek, Gijs Van Hoecke, Lukasz Owsian, Laurens Ten Dam, Riccardo Zoidl, Georg Zimmermann Deceuninck - Quick-Step: Elia Viviani, Bob Jungels, Iljo Keisse, Yves Lampaert, Michael Morkov, Fabio Sabatini. Petr Vakoč FDJ: Thibaut Pinot, William Bonnet, Arnaud Démare, Stefan Küng, Matthieu Ladagnous, Sebastien Reichenbach, Ramon Sinkeldam UAE Team Emirates: Alexander Kristoff, Matt Beers, Tom Bohli, Vegard Stake Laengen, Jan Polanc, Alexander Riabushenko, Rory Sutherland more news
  12. wtf ? Now I am really surprised to see the first school day is not same in the country, I always thought it must be the same day for the whole country. teachers receive the flowers from pupils. when I was younger I've always wondered where all those flowers will end, because there were really many again, I don´t get how is it possible to have different school programs and schedules within one country, it´s not like the Netherlands are so insanely large ?
  13. and here it is the first school day 2019/20. The roads are full of kids with flowers attending schools and their parents blocking the roads...ahhh It s the first school day in your countries too and are you supposed to buy flowers for your teacher as well when entering the school, because this one tradition I always found being really weird ?
  14. but losing by such debacle to @heywoodu comming from similar basketball powerhouse country is really painful
  15. quite good score today for a person who have no clue what´s really going on I must say. Seriously satisfied by my performance so far, but I guess this will end soon, since I thought the scores are not so high in this sport and naturally I suspected Canada being super strong thanks my limited knowledge of this sport rulling by north americans lol
  16. we lost 0-3 without having any chance basically during the whole match and still the girls received the biggest celebrations of their tournament, what a moment in their life it must be for the girls, some of them had to ask for vacations from their bosses at work to play this tournament and they were rewarded by this
  17. Shootig Olympic schedule finalized + the format for the mixed teams events
  18. it´s not like volleyball have/had some noticeable competition in this but maybe football is still number 1 among summer olympic team sports (the males one I mean obviously)
  19. Under AIBA in many cases the thrashed boxer usually was announced as winner instead of the guy who looked better but wasn´t from the "chosen country"
  20. Muhammad Akhtar with some really good chance right now
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