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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. This guy Moore for Angola is American, right ? so all European teams are naturalizing black americans while African teams are naturalizing white americans ?
  2. Czech National TV ČT Sport is showing basketball and according the schedule the whole todays program !!! Unbelievable . In Slovakia meanwhile...well..let say it this way, if not the prediction contwst in our forum I wouldn´t even know
  3. oh dear...this is like me when I first time played hockey on ice at school, I needed almost a minute to finally keep standing on place before shooting
  4. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 11th Qualified Athlete PATRIK JÁNY - SHOOTING (10m AIR RIFLE M + 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS M) Jány skončil tretí na SP v Riu a získal miestenku na OH 2020 Jány dosiahol v Riu životný úspech a vybojoval si miestenku do Tokia Slovenský reprezentant v streľbe Patrik Jány obsadil tretie miesto vo vzduchovej puške 60 na podujatí Svetového pohára v Rio de Janeiro a vybojoval si miestenku na budúcoročné olympijské hry v Tokiu. Dvadsaťdvaročný mladík si tak splnil veľký cieľ a zároveň dosiahol životný úspech. Doteraz sa len dvakrát prebojoval medzi najlepšiu osmičku na veľkých podujatiach medzi seniormi. Dokázal to vlani na SP v Mníchove, kde obsadil finálovú ôsmu priečku a potom v júni na II. európskych hrách v Minsku, na ktorých si svoje maximum o jednu pozíciu vylepšil. Dva týždne po EH navyše získal na 30. Svetovej letnej univerziáde v Neapole zlato. Jány predvádzal v Riu už v kvalifikácii veľmi dobré výkony, keď v nej obsadil druhú priečku s nástrelom 629,7 b. Predbehol ho len Číňan Sung Pu-chan (632,1). Vo finále neodštartoval najlepšie, no postupne sa prepracoval na druhú priečku. Keď zostali v hre už len traja, Jány sa dostal do rozstrelu s Chorvátom Petarom Goršom, ktorý prehral a obsadil tretie miesto. Z triumfu sa nakoniec tešil Číňan Jü Chao-nan s nástrelom 252,8 bodov, čím vytvoril nový svetový rekord. Jány sa ešte predtým predstavil v ľubovoľnej malokalibrovky 3x40, v ktorej obsadil 18. miesto výkonom v kvalifikácii 1172 bodov. Výsledky: vzduchová puška 60: 1. Jü Chao-nan ( ) 252,8SR 2. Petar Gorša ( ) 249,9 3. Patrik JÁNY ( ) 228,8
  5. + the good news is Jány achieved just there in Rio 2 days ago the MQS in 3 Positions with 1172 in the qualifications, so he is eligible to compete in both Rifle events (and since there no other shooter able to qualify in this event) he will certainly compete in the 3 positions as well.
  6. yes, also during the Continental Games. (Eng.ver).pdf
  7. IOC announced the dates of the Olympic qualifiers. 4 Continental tournaments will be held from next February to April in China, Senegal, Argentina and GB. The final global tournament in Paris 13-24 May 2020
  8. MQS is Minimum Qualifying Scores. This means the athlete is basically here only for achieving the MQS, without this you can not compete at the Olympics. The MQS can be achieved only at the qualifications of the World Cups, WCh, and Continental Championships.
  9. I must admit, I had no faith on him at all, but the surprising successes tastes always the best
  10. yay Jáni our first qualified debutant shooter. Congrats man ! with this quota in rifles, the eventual swap of mixed trap quota looks now easier for Tužinský if he´ll fail to qualify by himself So one more athlete to qualify and we´ll catch Fiji
  11. [hide] First Round August 31st - September 5th, 2019 32 Nations, 8 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 August 31st 2019, h. 16:00 Poland 5 Venezuela August 31st 2019, h. 20:00 Ivory Coast 11 China September 2nd 2019, h. 16:00 Venezuela 16 Ivory Coast September 2nd 2019, h. 20:00 China 3 Poland September 4th 2019, h. 16:00 Ivory Coast 18 Poland September 4th 2019, h. 20:00 Venezuela 2 China Group B Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 August 31st 2019, h. 16:30 Russia 10 Nigeria August 31st 2019, h. 20:30 Argentina 17 South Korea September 2nd 2019, h. 16:30 Nigeria 11 Argentina September 2nd 2019, h. 20:30 South Korea 15 Russia September 4th 2019, h. 16:30 South Korea 2 Nigeria September 4th 2019, h. 20:30 Russia 1 Argentina Group C Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 August 31st 2019, h. 16:30 Iran 7 Puerto Rico August 31st 2019, h. 20:30 Spain 12 Tunisia September 2nd 2019, h. 16:30 Tunisia 9 Iran September 2nd 2019, h. 20:30 Puerto Rico 12 Spain September 4th 2019, h. 16:30 Puerto Rico 2 Tunisia September 4th 2019, h. 20:30 Spain 3 Iran Group D Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 August 31st 2019, h. 15:30 Angola 18 Serbia August 31st 2019, h. 19:30 Philippines 8 Italy September 2nd 2019, h. 15:30 Italy 9 Angola September 2nd 2019, h. 19:30 Serbia 13 Philippines September 4th 2019, h. 15:30 Angola 2 Philippines September 4th 2019, h. 19:30 Italy 10 Serbia Group E Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 1st 2019, h. 16:30 Turkey 12 Japan September 1st 2019, h. 20:30 Czech Republic 19 United States September 3rd 2019, h. 16:30 Japan 3 Czech Republic September 3rd 2019, h. 20:30 United States 8 Turkey September 5th 2019, h. 16:30 Turkey 1 Czech Republic September 5th 2019, h. 20:30 United States 16 Japan Group F Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 1st 2019, h. 16:00 New Zealand 3 Brazil September 1st 2019, h. 20:00 Greece 7 Montenegro September 3rd 2019, h. 16:00 Montenegro 5 New Zealand September 3rd 2019, h. 20:00 Brazil 3 Greece September 5th 2019, h. 16:00 Brazil 3 Montenegro September 5th 2019, h. 20:00 Greece 9 New Zealand Group G Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 1st 2019, h. 16:30 Dominican Republic 3 Jordan September 1st 2019, h. 20:30 France 2 Germany September 3rd 2019, h. 16:30 Germany 8 Dominican Republic September 3rd 2019, h. 20:30 Jordan 13 France September 5th 2019, h. 16:30 Germany 11 Jordan September 5th 2019, h. 20:30 Dominican Republic 10 France Group H Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 1st 2019, h. 15:30 Canada 4 Australia September 1st 2019, h. 19:30 Senegal 11 Lithuania September 3rd 2019, h. 15:30 Australia 18 Senegal September 3rd 2019, h. 19:30 Lithuania 3 Canada September 5th 2019, h. 15:30 Canada 17 Senegal September 5th 2019, h. 19:30 Lithuania 4 Australia [/hide]
  12. Kateřina Nash. She competed at 5 OG (2x Winter in CC Skiing 1998 and 2002 and 3x Summer in MTB Cycling 1996, 2012 and 2016) Another Czech famous for competing at both games is Eva Vrabcová Nývltová (3x Winter in CC Skiing 2006, 2010 and 2014 and Marathon in Rio 2016)
  13. with our luck I am more than certain Jány will be the one without the quota, just hope it will not be the same way as Tužnský lost it yesterday, because then it will really be a case for a good shrink
  14. Slovan Bratislava lost 3-2 but thanks the 1st leg win 1-0 advanced for the Group stage. 2nd year in a row a club will play a European cup main phase, something we are not used to at all
  15. Definitely the best one after the teenagers cars challenge episode with Clarkson and his anarchistic flag trying to drive as quietly as they could back to their 'parents' house and "accidentally" pushed his car into a shed , man I was laughing so much watching this one. My top episode of the whole show but that one in Alabama is a real gold too. Hillary for president lol
  16. Slavia representatives reaction is pure gold
  17. yeah, I saw on the website that there still some tickets available for some morning sessions
  18. well, he/she got the right continent. That´s already something
  19. No idea, what you are saying buddy. what happened ?
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