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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. man, Julmis was DSQ in the Ro 2016 semifianls and now DSQ in the WCh heats, nice CV
  2. commentator said it may be a break for the previous day medal ceremonies but again why they didn´t put them at the start of the session instead of schedulling this interruption after 4 events
  3. SAFP again with yellow hair, man even the hardcore punks don´t change their hair so often
  4. but it would be schedulled every day not only for today. Really strange and unusual break
  5. but what was exactly the point of this 1 and half hour break interruption inside one single evening session ? Was there some camel race national league final scheduled today what would steal the attention of domestic viewers ?
  6. The Nobel prize of idiocy who invented this schedule
  7. Interesting new Russian anthem, but I prefer the previous one, more catchy
  8. Viljoen out. All 3 Czechs in final. the land of javelin
  9. 62.15 for Špotáková. Bára really saved her ass by this 3rd attempt. All 3 Czechs in final would be cool
  10. and beatng is something you not see often
  11. she is ill, constantly blowing her nose and sneezed. the first victim of too much excessive air conditioning in the hotels
  12. followed by Hussong beating the Q mark by almost 2 meters
  13. and now we have the chance to watch almost the integrality of Špotákova preparation on the stadium
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