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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Amazing final in women's long jump! See that the winner have an Italian name and surname
  2. Silver for in shooting 10m air standing in SH1 They won the last Paralympic medal in 2008!
  3. Cycling (Track only), football 5-a-side, judo, powerlifting, sitting volley, tennis, judo, fencing and rugby
  4. Gold for Vietnam and Silver for Jordan in men's powerlifting -49
  5. "Grandma" Clara Podda losed the 1st match in table tennis
  6. Amazing final in long jump T11! Gold for Brazil and the stadium is on fire!
  7. What start for Slovakia! Amazing gold! Congrats @hckosice!
  8. @vinipereira Italian CT say that Brazil is protesting because Kenyans have occurred outside time limit in call room and they have big chance to win a gold now. Any news?
  9. What closed finish! 7th Paralympic medal for Santos but whitout gold (for now... )
  10. 1st world record Jia signed the record in 100m Breakstroke S6
  11. I just discovered that they don't boardcast all sports
  12. Yesterday I missed this moment.. Belarus delegation whit a big russian flag
  13. I must work tomorrow, my paralympic night finish here Good night Totallympics and Brazil
  14. What moment It will be one of the moment of this Paralympic Games
  15. Why they booing and after they clap the hand? What stupid moment
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