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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. He was somewhat I local legend around here (he lived less than an hour outside me town). He conducted a few of his tests here.
  2. Clearly you haven’t been to the US recently. There is flat-earthers up the wazoo.
  3. California didn’t elect Trump, we voted 75% for Clinton (or maybe it was 65%?, I don’t remember, but it was a good margin)
  4. That’s not voter fraud, and California is working on improving those conditions. It takes more time because conservatives hate social programs.
  5. I’d be more in favor a postponement if the need arises. Just delay the games a few months until the epidemic dies down, and then on with the show.
  6. Except that can’t because they do have to prove basic facts when registering. Plus, the country register checks for irregularities. If voter fraud was such a big issue in California, we’d hear much more about it.
  7. Yes, the is a statewide proposition. I also had the countywide one about the firefighters (to which I voted yes), and the one about law enforcement (to which I voted yes).
  8. We have some very good non-profit think tanks that help inform people’s vote. We are democracy in the truest sense. A government for the people, by the people. People here are fine with our election system.
  9. I just realized how how big our Iranian, Korean, and Italian immigrant/expat communities are too. California is so screwed.
  10. Is it bad that this outbreak has made me want to play Plague Inc. again?
  11. It’s a good thing I don’t need a voter card then To answer your other question, yes we have other elections during the presidential elections. I had 22 items to vote on in the primaries today. It will probably be closer to 30-35 in November.
  12. Well I am quite a celebrity obviously.
  13. So, we’re all screwed right? I haven’t been buying into the Covid19 rhetoric, but I’ve read some pieces from very respected reporters and experts who basically say we’re fucked. They say the Italian, Korean, and Iranian cases are what lead them to claim this. The fact that is so hard to detect means it can travel far before we can really do anything about it. Fighting Ebola was much easier than this. I think we’ll see cases in California appear soon. We have way too many Chinese immigrants and expats to not be affected. At this point I can only wait.
  14. We can vote anywhere in the county. For instance, I could drive down and vote in Maxim’s town, or he could drive up here and vote in mine.
  15. To each their own. We don’t have voter cards here either by the way. You register online, or through mail/paperwork too, and them you show up and vote. Everyone feels like it’s secure, and it’s a more “low key” occasion.
  16. Well being as I’m a student, I know first hand that our education systems need more funding, so I went for yes on 13. Our regional people are different, so those names mean nothing to me. Thankfully, I was able to get the Democratic Ballot, though I’m pretty I’m going to switch to Green or Peace and Freedom after this election.
  17. Research has shown that voter fraud isn’t a wide spread as conservatives think it is. Research has also shown that minorities and youth are less likely to vote when more obstacles are put in the way. It’s not a true democracy if people are shut out of voting. Voting in California is nearly effortless (besides researching your votes and whatnot), and it feels amazing.
  18. Show me the proof. Sorry we actually let black and brown people vote in this state.
  19. You do not in fact. You do have to prove that you are a real person at some point in the process, but I can’t remember when. I did not need my ID when I went to vote today. I signed in with an electronic signature, and then was given my “ballot” to put into the machine. There’s literally zero excuse to not vote in California. It’s so easy to get registered, and to vote. We accommodate people in all sorts of ways (audio voting for the blind, ballots in like 15 languages, voting from your car for people with disabilities, voting by mail for anyone who can’t make it to the polls, voting by mail for Californians currently living overseas, voting assistants for the “disabled”, voting hotlines for various needs, etc.)
  20. Thank god I live in California. You sign up once online, and you’re good. No ID needed, no voter cards, no anything. Plus, I get 11 days to cast my vote. There’s almost never any lines at the polling places. I’m not taken off the voter roll simply for not voting in one election. There’s only ever one primary, and one general election in a given year. You’re not bound to vote by party (except in the presidential race now). I still contest the California is the greatest republic in the world
  21. Welcome to the big leagues That’s mostly how it is in California too. Make sure you’re registered on time, and that you’ve filled out the necessary paperwork. Texas is a red state, which means the voting laws are generally much more strict. I recommended Ballotpedia, isidewith, and votersedge to inform your vote. There will most likely be even more elections in November by the way. Good luck!
  22. Call me when the US wins a biathlon gold medal
  23. Bernie has already been declared the winner by CBS, AP, NBC, and FOX with less than 5% of the vote counted in the Nevada. It looks like he could win by a margin of 25%. He has done better than expected, and he’s been able to win 55% of the Latino vote (which is very surprising). Biden is holding second over Buttigieg. Warren is the only other candidate in double digits. Klobuchar is doing horribly. This is my one political post for the night
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