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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Two key battles today: Maillot Jaune and KOM. In terms of the KOM, the points go to the fastest man from the bottom of the climb (second time check) to the top of the climb. Pogacar will have to race a true time trial since he’ll be hunting a the Maillot Jaune as well. Carapaz would be smart to ride the flat part at a moderate pace before blasting up the final climb. Roglic is also still mathematically able to win the Polka-Dots as well. It’s nice to have this much excitement at Stage 20.
  2. I fear we’re about to see a very, very partisan fight over who the next Supreme Court justice will be.
  3. US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has passed away this evening This has huge consequences for American politics. Trump will most likely be able to nominate his third judge to the Supreme Court. He actually released a list of potential picks not that long ago, and they were mostly far-right. In that scenario, conservatives will have a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court.
  4. Yep, I believe we had a W once before though. We’ve completed the designated English names for the year, so now we’re on to the Greek alphabet.
  5. I listed the classes I was considering taking for that requirement Yes, there’s a list, but I can’t find it at the minute. I’m not in “semester planning” mode right now, so I have all my paperwork scattered around
  6. And so the US Presidential Election begins!
  7. If we count Olympic hopefuls, @brunamoura has been a nice addition. We also have World Games bronze medalist @JohnFoyne who joined recently
  8. @Gianlu33 were you a candidate, part of a candidate’s team, or part of a referendum effort?
  9. Nothing brings people together like the magic of Red Number 3 We’ll be supporting the same marble this time around.
  10. Welcome to the forum @IsraelBobsled! Always nice to have an actual Olympian around.
  11. I can’t even believe what I’m reading.
  12. Whelp, I guess we’re following the lead of great democracies like the USSR, PR China, and Cuba by teaching propaganda in the classrooms now. I feel it’s worth noting that California recently made it mandatory for all students to take an “Ethnic Studies/History” class before graduating high school. Colleges in the state also require a “diversity credit”, which means that you have to take a class that focuses on the study of a minority groups influence on a subject (Women in Rock’n Roll for instance, or Intercultural Communication, History of Hip Hop, etc.).
  13. For some reason I finally decided to watch the 2011 Asian Winter Games opening ceremony tonight. During the Parade of Nations, volunteers lined the walk way waving flags from all the countries of Asia. One flag in particular stuck out (sorry for the bad screenshot): PR China must have lost their shit Edit: I made rare geography mistake. I forgot this was the old Burma flag, which @intoronto kindly pointed out to me. I’m going blame that mistake on age, but it was just a mental lapse.
  14. Lopez winning today’s stage was a nice surprise. Lopez and Pogacar have a chance at winning the yellow jersey, but Roglic is still looking good. Sep Kuss really makes me excited for the years ahead. This tour is still one of the best I’ve followed. Good battles for the yellow, green, and polka-dot jerseys. I’ve really enjoyed the stages this year too.
  15. All four jerseys could yours if Sagan would just pick the slack
  16. I guess he did fancy the Polka-Dots after all... When in Rome perhaps?
  17. This used to be grounds for expulsion from the Commonwealth, but I believe current rules allow for republics. Plus, everyone knows there’s only one queen of Barbados, Rihanna.
  18. I mean...what? There’s a lot of idiots who live in the U.S I guess
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