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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yeah, I was surprised to see them producing a golf broadcast. I think this might be the first time golf has ever been properly broadcast at the SEA Games.
  2. I was keeping a list myself, but the streaming is so chaotic that it’s hard to find full broadcasts of events. Good luck with your list though. I’ve done that for a bunch of multi-sports games, and it’s always nice to be able to go back and watch things I missed or want to see again. P.S. My exams end this week
  3. It’s quite the week in the international multi-sports games sphere. The Summer Deaflympics conclude tomorrow, while the Summer Gymnasiade opens tomorrow. SEA Games are in full force this week as well, with the GCC Games opening on Monday. Plenty of competitions to keep track of this week
  4. Is there a place online where the full voting breakdown can be seen?
  5. My issue was that I like the recorded version more than the live performance. It’s already been on my playlist for months. It’s the best outright, just not this evening.
  6. Good luck selecting your entry for TIOSC!
  7. should’ve won last year, so at least some redemption
  8. So I guess Russia’s invasion isn’t popular…
  9. These votes have been ridiculously predictable, but that’s not shocking I guess.
  10. This feels a lot like a Super Bowl halftime show.
  11. is getting a surprising amount of love (deservedly in my opinion). It will be interesting if that translates in the votes.
  12. Serbia is the most political song, so that’d be ironic.
  13. Got stuck in a sea of male solo ballads.
  14. I love the recorded version, but the vocals and staging just weren’t there tonight.
  15. Damn, was my favorite, but I don’t think that will win. were better to me.
  16. Yes, I was just thinking the same thing.
  17. is my top 5. It’s the lyrics and presentation for me.
  18. missing out is bummer because they something fun and wacky in between the myriad of ballads this year. Overall, I was surprised by the qualifiers, but the majority of songs I felt strongly about made it through.
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