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Nathy reacted to SteveParker in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
I've just finished reviewing all the votes.
Thanks to everyone who voted for the Italian song.
congratulations Norway for 2nd place and Usa for 3rdplace
And of course congratulations to Vinipereira for the excellent work done -
Nathy got a reaction from Henry_Leon in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy got a reaction from Werloc in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
I'm happy to know that this song really spoke to someone else. When I was in my early 20s, I was so convinced that I would make my life elsewhere than Switzerland. I had that will to leave and go live elsewhere. I thought that elsewhere might be Australia as I went there on a working-holiday visa and thought I might not come back to Switzerland for a long time, if ever. Well, life has a funny way of teaching you to know better haha. After 2 months in Australia (different places), I felt homesick and came back to where is definitely "home"
When I heard this song it brought me back to those years and this is also why I decided to present it for the contest.
Nathy reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
That's all I have for TISC this edition, although in the very near future you might be receiving a diploma or two in your inbox
Thank you all and now I will rest for some days - thank lord it's a holiday in Brazil til Tuesday!
Nathy got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Your entry took me right home, from which I've been mostly away in the past few years.
That part "And I even miss your rain..." couldn't be more ironic since my hometown has more yearly rain than London.
Nathy reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Same here, and also gave me hope. I suppose we should thank @uk12points for such an amazing choice that had a beautiful meaning for some people - and that's a prize by itself
Nathy got a reaction from vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Oh man and the competition's logo is AMAZINGLY STUNNING
Nathy got a reaction from vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Fabulous TISC edition. Great job @vinipereira
Nathy got a reaction from OlympicIRL in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy got a reaction from heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Hi everyone,
I know the contest has just been closed, I'm a little late. But I couldn't be there yesterday as I anticipated before confirming Switzerland's participation and I would like to say a few things.
First of all, auguri all'Italia One of my 2 blood-countries winning makes me super proud
Second, WOW, finishing just shy of 100pts is SUPER DUPER AMAZING! Being temporarily in the Top5 and even Top3 is more than I had imagined! I'm glad so many of you liked Eliane, whom I just discovered looking for Switzerland's entry in this contest. She really has a great voice.
And third, I would like to thank the nations that have voted for Switzerland. Thank you Algeria (11pts), India (10pts), Azerbaijan & Indonesia (9pts), Germany & Russia (8pts), Lithuania (5pts), Brazil & Ireland & Romania (3pts), Bulgaria & Malta (2pts) and Italy (1pt).
Last but not least, a HUGE. No, IMMENSE thank you from the bottom of my heart to Croatia ( @dcro ) & Netherlands ( @heywoodu ) for awarding 12 POINTS to Switzerland
Obrigado @vinipereira and Brazil for hosting this year's TISC
EDIT PS: Great Britain's song hit directly into my soul, hence my 12pts.
Nathy reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Now that the winners have received their medals, they are back for one final performance of their hit songs. Let's now remember the music that not only entered our playlists, but will stay forever in the prestigious TISC Wall of Champions.
@Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon
@Pablita @SteveParker
Takagi & Ketra feat. Lorenzo
Fragola and Arisa, ARTISTS
Sigrid, ARTIST
Carrie Underwood, ARTIST
Ludacris, ARTIST
Nathy reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Time to get some sleep
Personally I'm a little less satisfied with the winner than normal, of course not because of something against Italy, but this specific song just didn't 'do' much for me (as you can see with the lack of points I gave it ). The positive side though: in general there were clearly more songs I really liked than in the last few contests, with almost every song I gave points to expected to still be in my playlist a long time from now
And Eliane is just an absolute gem, thanks @Nathy for posting that song
Nathy reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Nice that there is someone else with a good taste in music
Nathy reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
@heywoodu We are the only ones who gave 12 to
Nathy reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Dat waren de Nederlandse stemmen. Een belangrijke mededeling: Nederland heeft de bewuste keuze gemaakt om uit het Comité te stappen. Binnenkort zal meer informatie naar buiten komen over het handelen binnen deze exclusieve club, die meer te vergelijken is met een cult, en waar Nederland geen deel meer van uit wenst te maken. Aan de leden van het Comité: misschien kom je erachter dat het bankaccount leeg is, net als de parkeerplaats. Ik heb alles meegenomen. Alle anderen wensen we een fijne ochtend, middag, avond en nacht en tot de volgende keer!
That's it for the Dutch votes. We're closing with an important note: the Netherlands has made the conscious choice to leave the Committee. Soon we will release more information about the dealings inside this exclusive club, which is better comparable with nothing less than a cult, and of which the Netherlands did not want to be any part any longer. To the Committee members: you may find the bank account to be empty, as well as the parking lot. I took it.To all others, we wish you a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening and night and we'll see you next time!
Nathy reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Swittzerland hasn't scored anything since I gave them 12 points.
Team Challenge standings
Brasilia 405
Foz do Iguacu 281
Ouro Preto 248
Sao Luis 241
Manaus 235
Cuiaba 234
Gramado 223
Fernando de Noronha 215
Salvador 172
Natal 164
Brasilia is very much in front, but there is still a lot to play for. Brazilian bonus, medals for top 3, diplomas for top 6.
Nathy reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
Oh, wait we completely forgot about Committee member. Also, it's now.
Nathy reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018
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