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  1. Love
    Pabloffo reacted to NearPup in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies   
    This will annoy all the right people <3
  2. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to Gianlu33 in Men's Football FIFA World Cup 2022   
    There is nothing of fun, nothing. There is just censorship of a brutal regime. 
  3. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread   
    This is fantastic. For me, I can sort of understand people who vote for Bolsonaro because they are strongly against Lula, or because they have their economic reasons or something. No way I would, but reasons like that I can kind of understand. 
    What I seriously can't understand though is people who vote for him because of ethical reasons, or his non-existent morals. I don't know enough to make a judgment on his economic agenda and stuff like that, but people who vote for him because of his morals and such? No thanks, I can't really think of a more despicable human being among significant politicians.
  4. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to esube in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Competition Schedule   
    Hi everybody,
    First time poster, long time lurker on this forum.  I attach a hour-by-hour all-sports schedule for 2024 that I have prepared (rounded to the nearest quarter-hour).  Lots of changes and clarifications to come, of course, many of which have been subjects in this topic.  Hope you find this useful.  Start planning your viewing now!
    Corrections and updates welcome!
  5. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to Gianlu33 in Triathlon 2022 Discussion Thread   
    This message is fucking transphobic. 
  6. Love
    Pabloffo reacted to Wumo in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    I had the most memorable and important day of my life last friday, where me and my now wife could celebrate our wedding. We had a small ceremony and then we had an enjoying weekend together. 
    I'm happy to have her by my side through life 

  7. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to vinipereira in Fencing FIE World Championships 2019   

  8. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to thepharoah in Men's Football CAF African Cup of Nations 2019   
    With my brother before Nigeria and SA match , i booked the match before our match vs. SA  but i'm not alone here at all 
  9. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to mrv86 in Summer Universiade 2019   
    Well for some people Austria and Australia are the same country.
  10. Thanks
    Pabloffo got a reaction from mrv86 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2019   
    Hi guys I'm joining the contest too.

  11. Like
    Pabloffo got a reaction from heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2019   
    Hi guys I'm joining the contest too.

  12. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to dezbee2008 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    For our final act of the opening ceremony, we reveal the full scoreboard, so without further ado, here it is...
     Number of Juries Voted So Far: 0 / 35     Argentina   0       Colombia   0       Chile   0       Great Britain   0       Spain   0       Tunisia   0       Romania   0       Croatia   0       France   0       Malta   0       Indonesia   0       Mexico   0       Denmark   0       Serbia   0       Poland   0       United States   0       Italy   0       New Zealand   0       Slovenia   0       Ireland   0       Portugal   0       India   0       Slovakia   0       Finland   0       Netherlands   0       Egypt   0       Turkey   0       Greece   0       Algeria   0       Bulgaria   0       Canada   0       Lithuania   0       Brazil   0       Austria   0       Russia   0  
    Current Top 5 Positions
    1     Colombia ▶︎ 0 2     Great Britain ▶︎ 0 3     Tunisia ▶︎ 0 4     Croatia ▶︎ 0 5     Malta ▶︎ 0
    And here's the logo in its form

    On behalf of the American delegation, I would like to thank @OlympicIRL for helping me organize this task of hosting the contest, which is not easy, but it was worth it. I would also like to thank @vinipereira with the logo despite being away from his home for some time. Special thanks to @hckosice @heywoodu @dcro @mrv86 and many others for their offers, as well as @Olympian1010 for manning the delegation while I held hosting duties. Finally, we'll be starting bright and early at 5 am EST for the main show, so bring your inner emotional lady with you
  13. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to dezbee2008 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Host Venues 
    (yes, you read that right)
    We're switching things up a bit with the venue, or shall I say 2 venues. The opening ceremony venue will be held at Walt Disney World, while the show itself will be held at Amway Center.

    About Disney World:
    In 1955, a brand new theme park was built in Anaheim, California. This park was the idea of Walt Disney and became known as Disneyland. At the time it was one of the biggest and most innovative parks in the world. The ideas behind Disneyland was that Disney could create a place where both kids and adults can go and have fun. From the time of opening, Disneyland became an immediate success.
    In the mid-1960's, Walt Disney wanted to build another park in Florida, based on the concept started in Disneyland. In 1971, the concept became a reality when Walt Disney World opened in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Unfortunately, Walt Disney passed away in 1966, and never had the chance to see his vision for the park come to fruition.
    The original idea was to create a new park similar to Disneyland, but with other aspects such as lodging areas and other novel ideas. One of the most creative and innovative ideas that Disney had was the creation of the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. This area, known as EPCOT was to be an area that served as a testing ground for ideas which could be used in cities in the future. These ideas for EPCOT sprang from concepts of the future that were seen in the World's Fair.
    Over the course of time, Disney World has become one of the most popular destinations for tourists in the world. In fact, the Magic Kingdom which is at the heart of Disney World is the most popular theme park in the world with nearly 17 million visitors going through the park on an annual basis. In addition, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom and the Hollywood Studios attractions are also ranked in the top ten for visitors. Through the course of time, Disney World has increased in size and attractions to become a place that has something for everyone.

    About Amway Center:
    From its signature spire and modern architecture to its public spaces and comfortable amenities, the Amway Center is an iconic destination to Central Florida and beyond. The Amway Center features a modern mix of metal and glass exterior materials and the spire serves as a beacon amid Orlando’s vibrant downtown.
    With an ultimate capacity of more than 20,000 seats, the arena was designed to respond to its distinct urban setting while revealing the activities occurring within. Bounded by Church Street, Hughey Avenue, South Street, and Division Avenue, the Amway Center’s primary entrance faces north to Church Street, creating a natural extension of the nearby downtown entertainment core. The Church Street entry features a large public entry plaza connecting to the Amway Center’s spacious entry lobby.
  14. Like
    Pabloffo got a reaction from mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   

    Aurora - Winter Bird


    Of Monsters and Men - Human

  15. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
  16. Sad
    Pabloffo got a reaction from dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Oh, no 
  17. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Well, Denmark has red and white so I'll take it.
  18. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Lithuania reveals it is in fact Lithuania After 24 years of trying to find myself and this is the day.
  19. Like
    Pabloffo reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    When Hagrid said to the shop owner

    To get an owl for Harry

    He wanted one with finest feathers

    But got the one that’s hairy

    He did not see this small mistake

    Such as the lights were dim

    The owl’s name was 28

    Hagrid gave him a trim

  20. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to heywoodu in Summer Youth Olympic Games 2018   
    Jalen Kon Elijah, is that something like Octavia kom Skaikru?
  21. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to heywoodu in Summer Youth Olympic Games 2018   
    Thanks for your support for the Dutch TISC participation.
  22. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to hckošice in Summer Youth Olympic Games 2018   
    yeah, Gracias Thomas !
  23. Haha
    Pabloffo reacted to heywoodu in Tennis 2018 Discussion Thread   
    There is just too much WTA in this post  
  24. Like
    Pabloffo got a reaction from dezbee2008 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Hi guys After missing some contests, Chile is back!
  25. Like
    Pabloffo got a reaction from rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018   
    Hi guys After missing some contests, Chile is back!
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