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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. By the way, continueing on the Democratic debates (I'm now one hour in): they're still all so..much..the...same. All they're doing is avoiding the questions, avoiding each other to drum up their own pre-practiced nonsense and - most of all - say as many numbers as possible. "Did you know...over 80% of this and that!" and "More than 500.000 of this and that omg!".
  2. Didn't Afghanistan go pretty fast as well? I mean, I remember seeing photos from the 60's (or something) where people are free to wear what they want and stuff like that and all of a sudden everything and everyone is covered...although I'm not sure that happened as fast as the 'overnight change' you mentioned in Iran
  3. 48 MPX is so The Party can keep a better eye on what you're doing
  4. Kill her? Surely her husband loves her dearly?
  5. Well yeah, and when there's even people protesting against recognizing the genocide, you know something is wrong (and you know your propaganda is working, hello Turkey). This by the way: For fuck's sake, yeah. "You know what? Holocaust wasn't so bad, because there were also Germans killed by Jews and resistance fighers!"
  6. Huh what? I didn't mean to say "it's a small deal", 'a bit of a thing' was meant as an understatement since it's obviously one of the largest tragedies in history. I've got a tiny feeling you misunderstood my post.
  7. For those interested, the South American program this month, all in Ushuaia (Argentina). FIS says the first ones are in Tierra Mayor but that is literally the exact same track, probably the Brazilian federation was just a bit more specific for their national championships than Argentina was for their races - 08/08: Sprint Skating 1.2km (Brazilian Championships) - 09/08: Sprint Classic 1.2km - 10/08: Distance 5km/10km Skating (Brazilian Championships) - 13/08: Sprint Classic 1.4km (South American Championships) - 14/08: Distance 5km/10km Classic - 15/08: Distance 5km/10km Skating (South American Championships) - 18/08: 50km Ushuaia Loppet Classic* * A certain Totallympian's girlfriend will make her official 50k debut there Which should go well, she had a 100km rollerski training here and next year we're planning a 150km one... The 100km made her convinced she wants to one day try the Vasaloppet
  8. in b4 her 'accidentally' being hit by a car or something..
  9. Now I know the whole Armenian Genocide thing is a bit of a 'thing' and rightfully so, but 1,5 billion is around 1000 times too high
  10. This is not really political, more historical, but I genuinely find it interesting when someone becomes 'ethnic' German (in this case). I mean, take your average German now and take their father, their father's father, their great-grandfather's great-grandfather and so some point there's gonna be someone who never even came within 1000km of present-day Germany
  11. When does one start being (in this case) British though? After over a century, should they still be called Germans? Go back far enough and one can say every single country in the world right now is ruled by a South African (or Ethiopian?).
  12. Also: funny how a new law that's largely about safety concerns leads to a discussion about who did what and "they were bad, no they were bad!" from 500 years ago.
  13. There sure as shit was slavery very far away from Italy and Portugal before they came up with it.
  14. Africans are a bunch of monkeys and cannibals who don't even know how to wear shoes properly.
  15. I wonder why not every country is involved though. Can it really take more than a couple of minutes to copy-paste the standard uniforms and stuff and change it a bit into the colours of another nation?
  16. An Olympic game that's not button mashing? I might even get a little interested
  17. Building on my previous post, today was so much the Volta/Tour of Portugal The first regular stage was won by Davide Appolonio, who came back only a few weeks ago from a four year EPO suspension
  18. They mostly think it's a safety concern when one's complete face is invisible. There's something like being obligated to identify oneself when required, for example.
  19. Which is why I don't think a headscarf or for example wearing a cross should be banned or anything.
  20. Erik ten Hag of course, bringing a team from outside a major club football power to the Champions League semi's (and literally 5 seconds/one attack away from the final, damn it)
  21. Yep. One thing that came to mind: when one sees someone with something face-covering in for example a public institution, employees have to warn this person and tell them to either take the face covering off or leave the premises. If not, police can be called in to do the same and - if someone refuses - give a fine. The problem though: how is police going to get identification from someone who refuses to take off their face covering? That's impossible..
  22. If Google is correct about abayas, yes Our right-wing moron Geert Wilders has already come out today and said the next step is a headscarf ban. Much as I'm in favour of banning things that completely cover the face, I'm just as much against this 'headscarf ban' thing.
  23. Forgot to answer this, but no, it doesn't sound all. It sounds more like a dangerous kind of cult that ends up in very unpleasant things. Seriously, that sounds shady as shit. "They looked like they belonged to the mafia." Judging people by the way they look doesn't sound
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