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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Really curious about Hammerschmidt and Slettemark tomorrow Checking the first international start lists of the season under the repeated tunes of this
  2. As long as it doesn't lead (get it?) to laser shooting.
  3. Yeah, I know. And so international authorities should just let it slide? No.
  4. And not even nearly as much as certain sports are Asia-dominated.
  5. No, in Mali. A French helicopter, but in Mali. Apparently two helicopters crashed while they were fighting Islamic terrorists/jihadists there.
  6. Sold out as in, there are tickets? That's new for an IBU Cup Checked some other Osrblie videos from IBU as well and that looks pretty awesome indeed
  7. Biathlon fans are known to be hardcore.
  8. Which, no doubt, is Arber. There even at IBU Cup level you have to make sure you get a good spot before the start or else there's like two whole lines of people in front of you
  9. Imagine how shitty the rest really is, producing so little with a much healthier population
  10. Let me quote the roar of the crowd during an average IBU Cup for you:
  11. Anna-Karin Heijdenberg, that sounds like a very Dutch family name
  12. What kind of race is this? Just a regular pre-season race or national champs or something? I'd strongly be in favour of the winners receiving an automatic spot into the World Cup team
  13. She could have been in place of Persson or Nilsson, yeah..
  14. A quick Google shows that she did her school in Austria and she specifically says her mom is Austrian, which leads one to believe her dad is not (so, probably German) She has dual nationality, but decided to compete for Germany. The way she's going I doubt she'll compete in the IBU Cup anytime soon, which makes it harder to ask her, but just in case she does and it's one I'm not going to, a reminder for @brunamoura to ask her about it if she happens to see her
  15. I get that, but it's a bit harsh to keep blaming everyone who bans Russia instead of blaming those who are actually to blame for all of this, the Russian authorities. I don't know how much further things should go before at some point one should say "Look, this sucks badly for innocent athletes as well, but this has got to be stopped and resolved." There's not really a 'good' way to go about all it, but just banning athletes who have actually been caught makes the whole Russian system get away with it.
  16. Are people forgetting on purpose there's a huge difference between individuals choosing to cheat (or even teams playing dirty based on some company) and actual state governments having massive doping programs and doing everything it can to cover everything up as much as possible when caught and tamper with all the evidence?
  17. Yes, which is pretty worrying. Hopefully that was the last major one of this whole 'system' of shocks.
  18. A lot of stuff like photos of damage is coming from Durrës, a city with nearly 300.000 inhabitants which was around 15km from the center of the quake. Capital Tirana with nearly 900.000 people was only around 30km away from it.
  19. Damn, that aftershock alone would be considered seriously strong for Europe..
  20. Considering the amount of damage and big buildings that are still on the brink of collapse, I find it hard to imagine the death toll will stay inside single digits..
  21. The world's leading idiot seems to seriously think he signed an act that has now given women the right to vote. What he signed is an act to bring out a coin that commemorates this happening.....100 years ago. "Why wasn't it done a long time ago?" Holy shit man.
  22. Quick question related to transfers: your biathletes only earn points for you when you have them in your team, correct? I mean, switching someone who is performing badly for someone who is doing great will cost you points (the difference in what they've earned so far), so it's not like you buy the points your new athlete earned thus far? Just making sure
  23. Yeah apparently there were some false rumours about his retirement, but just to clarify: they are not true Source on Sam Ward's non-retirement: Sam Ward.
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