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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Biathlon tomorrow, if someone sees a live stream somewhere, please post it That's by far the event I'm looking forward to the most, especially the women's races because that's basically the only event of which I actually know a decent number of names If K Dmytrenko keeps her shooting under control, she shouldn't have any problems winning a couple of gold medals..
  2. On the other hand, now they can say "so we played against some of the best youth players in the world, this kind of loss is normal", whereas if they had lost 20-0 to a B or C-level nation, it would be much more painful..
  3. Bookmakers have the bets at "will Russia win with more or less than 38.5 goals difference"?
  4. But no, I'd rather have a weather-influenced slalom at the Ganslernhang or Chuenisbärgli than an indoor slalom Maybe one indoor slalom on the calendar would be cool, like in Landgraaf
  5. Or biathlon where one athlete gets a wind gust during the shooting and the other doesn't Any sport that is outside is by definition not completely fair, unless maybe it's sports where it's head-to-head.
  6. But then the good slalommers have a double disadvantage
  7. German coach on TV: "The winners are the deserved winners, because they were the fastest." And that's how it is
  8. Waiting for Muffat-Jeandet to have the slalom of his life and take a medal
  9. Wait, it's a slalom course? I thought we were watching a giant slalom
  10. Paris in a slalom, that's always a sight to behold.
  11. They're still on schedule to repeat the 2015 world championships...
  12. Now I'm more convinced: Ärni isn't gonna win this
  13. No giant slalom for Henrik von Appen He has a back injury, he just told on German TV.
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