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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Yes, very much. It reminds me of the early internet pages when peopele added animated things everywhere. No need for remplacement for the ones who like them. You could simply add a second set. Or possibly, even better, let the users add their own smilley/gifs in the database.
  2. What about a new set of flags ? (not animated, not from an html page of the 90's....)
  3. C'est donc ça une défaite en demie. Bon, ben c'est un peu nul en fait, je ne me souvenais pas De quoi s'inquiéter pour la suite (horizon 2020), ou simplement un match sans (enfin 45 minutes) ?
  4. Theyr really should start copyright their own excuses. Come on richard, money is on the table, sue the guy !
  5. They're were nothing private about what I wrote. But, it was getting toxic and I understand why you deleted them.
  6. French alpine skiing Oh boy... it's not really good, is it ?
  7. Men's Floorball IFF World Championship 2018  Prague (CZE) - 1 December 2018 - 9 December 2018 Totallympics Results Thread
  8. If you trully beleive that the russian athletes are clean (hell, even cleaner than the rest of the field) and that everything has to do with propaganda and politics. Then, you're in denial. Is there a A.A for doping countries ? If not, we should seriously consider making one.
  9. Montréal, Washington DC. You have to work on your geography too.
  10. I'm indeed personnally sick of this also. But I'm also sick of the russian "holler than me" attitude. You're not the victim here, the thousands of cleans athlete stripped of medals during decades are. Russia and russia sport did bring this to themselves. They inherit a corrupt doping prone sport system and did exactly jack shit with it as it was still pushing Russia to the spotlights. Now, doest it mean that they are no doping in other nations"? Hell, no. Doest it mean that the western medias are not mostly inept when they're talking about Russia ? Hell, no. Doest it mean they might or might not have been some political pressure from the west to this ? Hell no. But, they all are peripherical questions. The crux of the matter is the state doping sport system that - like it or not - has no other exemples outside of Russia (and possibly other former soviet republics). So now, stop playing the victim card, admit you have a problem, fix it and then come back.
  11. Et en plus maintenant à Nîmes... il y'à une patinoire et un club de hockey
  12. C'est vrai qu'ils avaient osé (c'est quand tu vivais en France ?) . Il est québécois, donc c'était uniquement pour les Jeux au Canada. Tu remarquera que le raisonnement est un peu le même qu'avec Thierry Adam. Le mec est disponible, il est connu des téléspectateurs, il vient d'un coin ou on aime le hockey, il doit donc aimer le hockey, "ça nous suffit".
  13. Oui, le seul et unique: (c'est son meilleur profil, promis) Le gars est originaire d'Amiens, et comme à Amiens, ils ont une équipe en première division en hockey. Malins comme pas deux, ils se sont dit qu'il devait s'y connaitre en hockey. Bon, en fait, c'est pas vraiment le cas, mais comme il s'agit de France TV et qu'ils ont personnes d'autre en boutique, ils le sortent tous les 4 ans du vélo pour le mettre au hockey
  14. It has more to do with the almost complete inefficiency of doping tests. This is the IOC admiting that they mean shit. Finally...
  15. No one is gonna read that... The IOC fucked up its communcation and timing big time. They woulkd have banned Russia all together two month ago that they would have got a lot less uproar.
  16. La partie OSEF des Jeux, je dirais même
  17. André Garcia, In Memoriam, Un être d'une élégance rare (sous spoilers pour les âmes sensibles)
  18. Et parfois méprisant. Je me souviens de certaines interventions pendant Rio 16 qui sentaient pas le respect pour les sportifs, surtout issus des plus petits sports. J'aurai largement préféré le duo Lartot Sarlat en plateau. Sans Garcia, le biathlon sera de nouveau écoutable
  19. Le dispositif France TV pour les Jeux Les deux horribles André Garcia et Jean René Godart ne sont pas du voyage Bon par contre, Luyat en plateau EDIT; ils ont osé remettre T. Adam au hockey
  20. This. My only repproach would be the duplicates between the snowoard and freestyle skiing events, specially the ones who were born out of the snowboarding world. Half pipe and snowboarding, yes very much ! Half pipe ans skiing: meh.
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