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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Canada being as nice, as they are, will slow down, so others can catch them tonight.
  2. 70s/80s music is the best, i like your dad. His film taste is horrible though.
  3. When this thing is over, we need a video of - @Olympian1010 's Family reacts to all songs from TISC 2020
  4. As if the organizers shuffled stuff around to make maximum drama Seem kinda fishy
  5. @Fly_like_a_don @Ashton Wow, thank you guys, did not expect that There is a potential in the Indian market for Bulgarian songs now.
  6. I just started season 5 of Breaking Bad and if it's right that it's the best of them all, i'm in for a real threat. It is indeed a top-notch show. Not in my top 5 of all time, but it is up there in the conversation. I enjoy the slow build, it adds more depth to the story.
  7. Damn right! One of the best TV dramas ever Haven't watched Part 4 yet, so no spoilers.
  8. Yeah, of course. I'm like that too. No matter how awful a show gets, i always force myself to finish it. With one exception Two and a half Men, no Charlie, no show, didn't watch with Kutcher.
  9. Ehh, season 3, that was a letdown Definitely the weakest for me, completely lost my interest. They couldn't live up to the highs of season 1 and 2.
  10. The German team had 11 straight matches without a loss. The record is 13 of Pele's Brazil. I wouldn't say it's something that common. Plus, before 1994, we had (and still do by the way) the record of most matches without a win at a WC - 17. If that is not a top notch sporting underdog story, than i don't know what is.
  11. Ahh, that header man, a thing of beauty. Should be in every highlight video of the WC.
  12. Agreed! Don't know what kind of pride the athletes have competing in this. 2-3 big nations dominating small islands and african nations.
  13. I like your taste Interesting fact, Germany before this match, were undefeated at a WC since 1986 and were always in the 1/2 since 1982.
  14. Interesting, i have more memories of the 2002 final, than the ones from 2014 and 2018. 2006 was definitely the best one of the century for me, and as a whole best World Cup, that i have watched. Not counting 1994 of course , which i have seen on repeats so many times.
  15. After the lockdown, India can now see the sky. It's interesting to see, how these 2-3 months of stoppage around the world, will effect the air quality and the weather.
  16. I can see some domestic leagues in sports getting started in a few months. But for tennis, a worldwide tour consisting of international travel and players from everywhere it would much harder. Definitely could see a scenario where there is no tennis for the next half year.
  17. Interstellar 10/10, Inception 9/10 are two of the best films of this century. Arrival tried to do something unique, but i don't think it reached the scope of the Nolan films. There is something about Denis Villeneuve movies, that just can't click with me. They are all with great visuals, perfect atmosphere and deep story, but at the end, i always feel indifferent after the movie ends.. Found Prisoners his best so far, a solid 8/10. Let's hope the bar will be put higher with Dune,
  18. It probably wasn't in my top 10 for that year alone. Heck it's not even in the top 5 Amy Adams movies. I found it quite boring to be honest.
  19. His country is not on the brink of pandemic disaster like the rest of Western Europe.
  20. Orban is one of the most competent leaders in Europe at the moment. Sad to say, but the whole pandemic crisis really showed how the EUs solidarity agenda is one big facade. I feel for the people of Italy and Spain left to survive how they can. When Italy has to depend on help from China, Russia, Cuba.... We are all one until actions need to be taken. Just as much, as the EU sent troops to help the greek border, they are helping with the virus. The big EU leaders showed total incompetence.
  21. NBC doesn't have the NBA rights, they would be happy to have something powerful to air against them. Their only issue is whether the big NBA players are willing to go to the Olympics against the playoffs.
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