Nothing about Bolsonaro is funny. Nothing. 5 years ago he was considered a (bad) joke, ranting nonstop about a non-existing communist threat, and now he's very close to becoming the president for the next four years. He's publicly stated he believes (pretty) women should be raped, women should earn less than men, black people and native Brazilians are lazy and should be killed, gay people should die... Basically, he should be jailed for even opening his mouth, but somehow he's running for president and many, many people are ignorant enough to vote for him. In fact, I fear for my life if he ever gets elected.
Now, about the other politicians... Temer is as dirty as one can be. He's currently the illegitimate president after a coup d'état, and that says a lot. In short, the coup happened so he could sell for cheap (I'd say give) our oil to the Americans. Of course there's more to it, but it's too long (and boring) to explain. I'm a professor in a federal institution (basically, federal schools and colleges are usually the best in the country) and we've suffered huge losses of maintenance money, so we're screwed for the next years thanks to this coup.
Haddad is not a bad politician, but he is from a party I sincerely hope will not elect a president in the next 30 years, since we've seen numerous scandals of corruption regarding this party. Haddad has good ideas, but he should never have run for president in the first place.