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Totallympics World Class
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by catgamer

  1. Thanks @vinipereira for delivering such an extraordinary and great opening ceremony, thank you, you have already done an amazing job and now I am really looking forward to today's Grand Final and to finally reveal the votes of the German jury as well as get to know the votes casted by other juries Let the magnificent show begin in just a few hours after months of waiting for it
  2. Where is Fernando de Noronha located within Brazil?
  3. What is the curse with Gramado? Why everyone wants to avoid it?
  4. I am really interested to see my spot in the draw
  5. MayI request two or 3 daysmore to vote as I cannot finish my selection process tomorrow due to working duties
  6. The song for the TISC 2018 is selected and it is Alle Farben & Janieck Little Hollywood I hope you enjoy listening to the song
  7. After my long absence, I have forgotten how to post a clip of the selected song for Germany Can anyone help me and explain how posting a music clip was done?
  8. IMO the bust of was to be expected and not shocking at all as their song is outdated and they sang quite bad with an extremely heavy accent that was hard to understand at all So right decision to keep them out of the final in an overall strong semi final
  9. Volbeat was a fantastic choice @Agger and if I remember it correctly it got 12 points from me Please send sth. like that the next time and it is close to 12 points once again
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