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Posts posted by Adriano

  1. 7 minutes ago, George_D said:

    maybe its a tactical move/statement

    Hard to predict. Maybe chose german Alliance. Poland make a pression to help Ukraine for at the beggining.President of Ukraine write like this ; ,,We opened a temporary sea export corridor. We’re working to preserve land routes. Alarmingly, some in Europe play out solidarity in a political theater—turning grain into a thriller. They may seem to play their own roles. In fact they’re helping set the stage for a Moscow actor.".

  2. 55 minutes ago, nenad said:

    You just insulted the guy from Ukraine more than anyone else could. You said Russia doesn't have a claim on Poland as they do to Ukraine. 

    In fact, poor construction and translation. Sorry. To clarify, for me they have no right to Ukraine also, including Crimea. What they have in their heads is the issue of territorial boundaries. 

  3. 2 hours ago, ChandlerMne said:

    Athletes from Serbia and Montenegro were sanctioned in 1992, even though they had nothing with political events that were present at that time. I remember those times quite clearly. Some of athletes were even strong anti war oppinioned. No single nation or olympic comitee opposed that decision. 

    31 years later, even slightest objectivity is absent from majority of fans. We didnt learn nothing...

    Only victims in these IOC decisions are athletes. Remember that. Of course, those pro war ones are excluded, for obvious reasons.





    Of course they are not just athletes. Russians live as they want, they are little affected by sanctions, society lives by sports, money is behind sports. Athletes are exploited by politicians. Which athletes are as anti-war as your athletes were in 1992? You are writing this to a user whose country was also bombed, whose nation was the only one in Europe that was punished with death for helping Jews, many of my compatriots escaped with their lives, and whose cities were destroyed. The Games are a place for civilized countries that can compete in the spirit of fair play and the Olympic oath. The criminal Putin is supported by almost the majority of the country, the majority of this country would also support an attack on Poland, to which they have no claim as they do to Ukraine. Those athletes who were against the war are in prison or on the national teams of other countries. Wrestling is closely related to military sports, it is not rhythmic gymnastics. Don't be ignorant because of your own experiences, maybe we should demand something more from the Russians?

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