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Everything posted by Xander

  1. We aren't angels either I would flipped off our journawh---s, except those that I like (only few of them).
  2. YAS please. My dad adores her My mom: "hon, it Schippers!" My dad be like: I would exchanged a total disaster for a bronze medal at any time.
  3. Men's LJ mess. There were 5 protests overall. Nykyforov's 4th attempt was changed to 8.00 (+15cm).
  4. Shmatenko and Serdyuk. They both heard the bell ringing for them 1 lap earlier than needed so they got confused. The bell didn't ring for Serdyuk when needed, when she crossed the finish line and it's on video.
  5. The officials should be DQed As appeared the bell rang for BOTH our athletes in the wrong time, 1 lap earlier than needed. When Serdyuk was crossing the finish line the bell didn't ring. Mess.
  6. 9200m mark: Prokofyeva - 32:56.04 Serdyuk - 32:19.62 again... what the hell! If she forgot her lap she should have been DSQed but not DNFed.
  7. Dafuq is going on with women's 10000m results? Serdyuk finished 4th right after Bahta, it was on video. With 32:19.79. But they gave her DNF.
  8. Nothing for 6 years?! *facepalm* She had 55.16 at the 2015 World Championships. 53.80 at 400m (indoors) in 2016. She recovered after injury last year and ran 200m at the NCH (24.13 with +1.4 wind though).
  9. She spent her pre-season preparing in the Carpathian mountains here. She was taking part mainly in our national competitions with not so much "rivalry" so she had to "stop" & wait for everyone and then run in the group training her tactics and finish spurt.
  10. Robert Harting invites everyone to ECH in Berlin. The pics are real
  11. 3 Russian girls entered our junior team. Their coach wanted to work for Belarus but something screwed up there (Belarusians didn't want to anger Russians?) so they settled in Ukraine. Their parents are Ukrainians so all 3 are in the process of receiving our citizenship. They're taking part in our National Junior Championships this week, wearing Ukrainian uniform and representing Kyiv region. Anastasia Rasskazova (20 yo) - she used to be #16 at the recent IBU Junior Cup. She's 11th in the Russian Junior ranking. Quarantine: December 16, 2019. Yekaterina Bekh (19 yo) - she was 32nd and 65th at the Cup. Horrible shooting but... it seems she has worked on it)) She's already got 2 gold medals at our Junior Championships while Rasskazova was 4th. Quarantine: December 15, 2018. Oksana Moskalenko (18 yo) - 15th in the Russian Youth ranking. No quarantine. Snizhana Tiseyeva is back from Moldova. (on the middle) She's so gorgeous... after that car crash when she burnt & injured her face and body((( She went through several surgeries, broke up with Tyshchenko who drove that car, moved to Moldova with her dad... and now she's back.
  12. Is it April 1st or something? Everything is alright at the airport. The 1st pic is from 2012, Frankfurt. The 2nd one is from February, Marseille.
  13. Chicherova goes 1.98 at Kuts Memorial in Moscow.
  14. Lasitskene is back to her 2.00m realness at the Russian NCH.
  15. Our National Championships are taking place in Lutsk. The home stadium of 2019 European Combined Events Team Championships. Men's LJ: 1. Serhiy Nykyforov - 8.23 (and another one at 8.20 - he's back to his awesome results finally ) 2. Vladyslav Mazur - 8.07 Women's LJ: 1. Maryna Bekh - 6.86 (+2.2m/s unfortunately, 6.70 is the legal one) 2. Kristina Hryshutina - 6.81 Women's HJ: 1. Yuliya Levchenko - 1.96 (that's under training loads) 2. Kateryna Tabashnyk - 1.96 (she also cleared it at the 1st attempt) 3. Oksana Okuneva - 1.94 Men's JT: Yuriy Kushniruk surprisingly got the ECH standard with 80.55. "Lucky" throw imo. Not pleased with the rest of the serie. Men's PV: Lots of mistakes for Malykhin (he hasn't had enough starts because of injury). 50cm gaps at both successful attempts (5.00 and 5.20) ... :| Women's 10 000m: Two additional ECH standards. 5 overall but there are 3 obvious choices. Women's 100m: The new PB of 11.20 for Stuy. Men's 100m: 1. Serhiy Smelyk - 10.16 2. Oleksandr Sokolov - 10.17 (our new NU23R and regional record *shooketh* - my city is not about high jump only anymore he became the 5th best Ukrainian ever).
  16. Meanwhile Ukrainian fans started "leaving" our biathlon since the women's team had been headed by the Russian with a doping history Semerenko sisters openly went against Merkushyna and Varvynets (1 day before their race at the Olympics) saying that the federation is unprofessional and those girls didn't deserve their place in that race even despite Valja flopped the final training/preselection. The team is still a divided mess with unhealthy relationships. Both Semerenkos like the new Russian. Merkushyna and Varvynets have their own coaches. Since Uros Velepec has been fired, Dzhyma trains with the Slovenian team because his methods suit her well. She hinted at sisters saying that there's no team spirit and she hasn't talked to anyone in the team for a long time, even at the Olympics o__0. Pidhrushna says neutral stuff but knowing her position I'm 100% sure she can't stand the new coach and what's going on with the team right now. She didn't go training with that group ... supposedly because of a minor shoulder injury I cheer only for Dzhyma, Pidhrushna, Merkyshyna & our men's team because the women's team is a huge disastrous mess. Varvynets refused from a surgery meaning that she will probably never improve to her best level. Vitaliy Kilchitskiy is back. Thank gawd that Russian dopingophile is not their coach - Kilya would physically assaulted him (not joking, I'm dead serious). But he didn't compete for a long time so I don't expect gr8 results from him. Serhiy & Aita
  17. Our throwing supermen and the wondergirl: She looks ok actually, maybe she will recover until Berlin after all.
  18. Pleased with Nikitin, hope nothing bothers him and everything goes well next year. He's had only 1 start this season at the U20 NCH with the same result. Yep, my first thought was: "oh, this is when it's over for him"
  19. A lil bit disappointing results in HJ. Quite unusual to see Lasitskene at the 3rd place with 1.90. Imho, it's a low result for Tabashnyk.
  20. Happy that Nikitin jumped 2.15 He's only just recovered after serious injury. Woah! Shukh said she wants to take part in Berlin She injured herself in the yesterday's JT. So she competed at 100mH with an injury .... imho that was stupid :| It's not the right occasion to play a superhero, gurl((. I'll have a heart attack at the ECH if she goes there.
  21. I know. But it depends of what exactly she has got - inflamation or a strain etc. If she was able to run 100mH I don't think it's something serious Makukh had a strain and we all saw how it ended on track for him
  22. My worryings came to life Gold in JT is a nice compensation and she didn't look that injured during 100mH so I hope it's nothing serious. Most def no Berlin for her though.
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