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Totallympics Medallist
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VolleyRuller96 last won the day on May 27 2019

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Volleyball, Handball, Ski Jumping
  • Favourite Athletes
    M. Wlazly, A. Małysz, K. Stoch, K. Bielecki, S. Szmal,
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  1. Nearly 1,5 million cases worldwide and almost 1/3rd is in the USA
  2. Great, a patient just died from coronavirus in my mother's hospital and now they suspect some staff may be infected
  3. Oh dear God, I can't So because of the Coronavirus Pandemic our schools are closed etc. so our government (Ministry of Education) and public television decided to use some of TVP's channels to broadcast "virtual lessons" to kids aged 6-14. So, here's a screenshot of their English lesson: and some of their Math material
  4. The cancelled FIS ski flying world championship will take place in Planica in early december. However, the standard World Cup event in Planica will also take place, meaning that the athletes will have to visit this hill on two separate ocassions next season.
  5. Yes, RE 3 is actually coming on the 3rd of April, probably gonna buy that one too after I finish Resident Evil 2
  6. Today I have officialy gotten both the games I wanted this month: Persona 5 Royal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons and finally bought the Resident Evil 2 remake, coronavirus is not a threat to me anymore
  7. A bit strange question, but is someone on this forum using both Paypal and Revolut/Monese? Please PM me if you do
  8. Poland: 1436 cases/ 16 deaths, seems to be growing faster nearly every day
  9. Wow, over 1000 cases in Luxembourg, horrible for a country with 600000 inhabitants.
  10. Over 900 confirmed cases in poland, we are probably going to have more than 1000 tommoroiw
  11. If you feel bored after almost all main events have been cancelled due to the coronavirus and can't find anything to watch, there are some good news (if you like volleyball, that is ) FIVB has decided it will upload replays of some of the best international Volleyball matches in recent years for free on their Youtube Channel. Sure, it's not the same as watching it live, but at least its something Today they added the men's volleyball match - from Nations League 2018 preliminary round, you can watch it here: Tommorow they will be broadcasting the women's match between and from World Cup 2015 On the 25th of March they will add the Division 1 match vs from Men's World League 2017.
  12. Volleyball nations league, both women and men postponed until after the Olympic Games - no new date has been given.
  13. + 64 new cases in Poland, bringing the total to 627 and placing us in the Top 30 most infected countries.
  14. Earthquake in Croatia, people supposed to stay at home due to coronavirus infection were forced to flee their homes.
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