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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. Yeah I should have went there after because it was hot
  2. Tomorrow's stage is in my hometown so I'm going
  3. Couldn't watch the matches because I was at work so I just watched the highlights on youtube and I saw the Sarreguemines flag again These guys spend a lot to go to all these sports events (I can't remember where I saw them apart from Rio 2016 but I know they were at other events too)
  4. So France - Belgium semifinal it is I can sense a lot of jokes coming from our neighbors and from us too before the match
  5. Basque Country! I only was on the French part of the region (except for San Sebastian), but I loved it, love that the mountains and the sea "meet". Brittany is another beautiful region (well, mostly its coasts), as well as Alsace and of course Provence and its little gorgeous villages but I'm not really helping because they are all far away from each other There are so many things to see that it's impossible to choose
  6. They're doing a prediction contest at my dad's work and he predicted 1-0 with Russia winning, too bad he predicted the right winner but not the right score Anyway congrats Russia!
  7. Phew...! What a great match it was, finally a good one for France!
  8. Well..... at least it was a nice goal And yes Maradona is here
  9. Before the WC started I thought we would have a good chance to go far, like the semifinals, but now? Nope (please note that this is just a gut feeling from someone who doesn't know a lot about football, I just wanted to share my thoughts)
  10. Yeessss Domino Day!! It was a long time ago but I remember that it was one of my favorite things to watch when I was a kid, I was so sad it was only once a year... I totally forgot about this, thank you guys for bringing back these memories!
  11. Are going to see (well, hear) The National? I'm jealous!
  12. I'm shocked at how well Austria is doing :O
  13. What the hell, Sweden and Germany, seriously???
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