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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. Did someone post their votes with Chrome? I want to know if it works fine or if I have to use Internet Explorer.
  2. OMG (and once again lots of points for our team!) Thank you Slovenia!
  3. I really don't want to choose a song I don't like, it just defeats the point of the contest, but at the same time, it's tiring to do so poorly in the contest (especially when we did so good in the first ones) But yeah I think I'll never choose a song I don't like to represent us (well, it happened once, but I didn't choose the song and I couldn't do anything about it)
  4. Weren't you the one last year who wanted to have French songs from the 60's-70s in the contest? But don't worry (or do worry idk ), I have an idea for this year's Open
  5. Another unfair thing is that there are a lot of good Belgian artists nowadays who sing in French but obviously I can't use their songs so it's frustrating Why are French singers so bad compared to the Belgian ones?
  6. Yes, it's easier to choose a song for the Open but at the same time you have more choices and it makes it harder in the end
  7. Sometimes I think we should choose a song that I hate, maybe then we would achieve a great result There were no good French songs in 2017-2018 in my opinion so Ben and I chose "J'en suis là" for lack of anything better. I did want to choose another song from Slimane which is more mainstream, and even though I like it less than the one we chose, I'm starting to think that maybe it would have been a less bold, but better choice. I already know which song I want to represent us for the Open 2018 so I hope it will be liked
  8. I haven't been on the website for a while actually, so you were safe
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