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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. I feel like Estonia is gonna win, and even though it's not what I usually like, I wouldn't mind.
  2. How can Cyprus be one of the favorites? This is the kind of generic songs we always hear on the radio
  3. I hate the title of the song, it's just so arrogant, like "I know how to write a song and you don't so listen to me"
  4. This song is so beautiful and heartbreaking
  5. One song I considered for TAISC before the contest started (but I thought it was too similar to our last TOISC entry and wanted some change, so I didn't even propose it to the rest of the jury. But I looove it): Here is the audio video if you don't want to hear all these sounds in the background : Another song from Slimane that I like better than J'en suis là, but it's from 2016 so it wasn't eligible:
  6. Yeah @dezbee2008, Team FURS lives on After a rocky start, we managed to finish strongly and ended up being the 2nd team, not too bad
  7. Thank you and congrats again Vini for the organization of this year's TAISC, you did an amazing job and delighted us with your great designs The closing ceremony was a good way to look back at the contest and it was full of interesting information, also I love that you included Werloc and his amazing voice in the closing ceremony! And now, the waiting starts... Until TOISC 2018
  8. Thank you Vini for organizing this contest, it was an amazing one to celebrate the Jubilee! All those new additions like the gala, the teams, the fun facts, were great, and it shows that even after all these years, TISC can still improve and get better every year
  9. I can't believe we managed to finish in top 10 after the disastrous first... 6 hours? All those 10 and 11 points all of a sudden were just amazing and surprising! And to think I complained about our choice! (even though I still thought it was the right choice) I have bad memory so I don't remember when was the last time we finished in top 10 but I feel like it was a long time ago? Anyway thank you so much to the people who voted for our song! (I'm curious though, what did you like about it?)
  10. Oh this was my favorite part of the song, but since I didn't know what it meant, it was just because of how it sounded and the way they sing it
  11. My personal votes and little comments about each song: 12 points – Russia: the singer has an amazing and powerful voice, and the end of the song is so epic and powerful, it gives me goosebumps everytime I listen to it. 11 points – USA: at first I wasn't charmed by Carrie Underwood's voice, and I hated the part with Ludacris (still hate it), but then after another listen I started loving it. I love this kind of empowering songs, they give so much energy. The rhythm is amazing. So even though I hate Ludacris' part, which is useless in my opinion and doesn't fit the rest of the song, I gave it 11 points. 10 points – Lithuania: I remember listening to the song when it was a contestant to represent Lithuania at the ESC, and the first time I heard it I found it kinda boring. But when it entered the TAISC I saw it in a different light. I like the singer's voice, it's sweet, and the way the song starts with a piano and then has a more modern touch is nice. 9 points - Brazil: the first time I listened to this song (and watched the video clip), I shed tears. There is a part near the end with traditional Irish music and those images of Ireland that made me feel so nostalgic of my time there that it made me want to cry... I remember that when I saw Brazil's choice I thought they were gonna win or at least be in the top 5. This song was higher in my list at the beginning but then, since I started liking some songs more and more after each listen, it lost a few points in my heart. 8 points – Finland: another song that I didn't like that much after the first listen The strong part of this song is the chorus and that music part that makes me want to fight someone and it gives me so much energy all of a sudden, do you know what I mean? I don't know how to explain this 7 points - Argentina: as I already said, this song is very catchy. I didn't really want to like it at first because this is not the kind I originally like, but there are always exceptions. I still listen to it. 6 points - Norway: at first I wasn't sure I was gonna give this song points because it was a time when I heard the song ALL THE TIME on the radio at work so I started to hate it even though a few weeks before I often listened to it on Spotify. But then I listened to it with my headphones on and it changed my opinion on the song once again. I started enjoying the music again and everything. 5 points - Sweden: this was the first song from this contest that I started listening to on a loop, even though it was never my favorite. But then I already started to get tired of it, and also in France they started to play it on the radio with a male singer singing a part in French (let me say that it's VERY BAD, do no listen to it) 4 points – Netherlands: I thought I had already heard this song before, or maybe it's just because we had already listened to Kensington's songs before in the contest Anyway, this is the kind of song I like so of course I was going to give points to "les Pays-Bas", even though it lacked something for me to get more points. 3 points - Italy: wait, I only gave 3 points to Italy? I thought it was more than that, but anyway. I think I know why. This is another of the songs that after my first listen I thought it was gonna be one of the favorites because of the lyrics and the style of the song. It's nice and catchy and has meaning. However after a few listens it started to have less and less effect on me so that must be why I only gave it 3 points in the end even though it was higher in my list at the beginning. 2 points - Bulgaria: another one that I shouldn't have liked, given my tastes. But after my first listen I liked it, I like the singer's voice and the song is catchy. Nice choice 1 point - Croatia: I can't say why but I don't really like the guitar in the first 3 seconds The strength of this song for me is the chorus, I didn't enjoy the verses as much, but the chorus is really nice. My 2 reserves were Great Britain (a sweet song with nice lyrics but a little bit too simple) and Portugal (I wanted to give points to this one at the beginning, after my first listen I liked it a lot, I found the song calming and liked the music but, I don't know... the next listens, nothing happened when I listened to it :/)
  12. I'm glad that other people enjoyed Finland's song It's another one of these songs that I didn't like when I first listened to it and then it grew on me.
  13. We like doing the "popopo" thing too in France PS: reading "2006 Campioni del Mondo" brings back bad memories, how dare you
  14. You're welcome I gave you 7 points but I was the only one to give you something so you ended up only having 2. This song had a weird effect on me. I really like it, it's very catchy, I don't know I really love the music, I listen to it almost as often as the Russian and American ones, and more often than the songs that are higher than yours in my list. So yes, I really liked it, even though I don't know why.
  15. I'm kinda disappointed that it's not as close and tense as I thought it was gonna be But at least the winner is a song I voted for, they deserve the victory!
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