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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. Yesss 3rd Impressive race by Makarainen Now we have to wait
  2. So, suspense until the end of the race
  3. Anaïs! Tomorrow's women's mass start is gonna be epic between Kuzmina and Makarainen
  4. Desthieux's 1st podium! After so many top 10's he deserved it.
  5. Wow! I don't think it's ever happened where I live, I live too close to the Atlantic Ocean, it's not cold enough If there is snow once in the winter it's already great
  6. It's the first day of spring but it snowed yesterday where I live I've never seen snow this late in winter here :o
  7. My list is done but I'm so afraid to send it, because it was so hard to put the songs in a certain order... I feel like after listening to the songs another time my order would change again (except for the first 2 songs). That's not really what I said at the beginning, but after several listens I really think I've never seen such a high level of music in this contest! There are several songs that I like listening to quite often and it doesn't happen a lot to me in this contest (almost never, tbh)
  8. Tachizaki was so close to her first podium But 4th is still a great result
  9. After my second listen, there are 10 songs that I'm sure to give points to, but I don't know in which order, because I don't have any favorite. And then there are 11 songs battling for the last 2 spots remaining It's gonna be hard to choose...
  10. For those who want to know the order of the songs in the playlist @amen09 made: Portugal Algeria New Zealand Serbia France Switzerland Argentina Finland Mexico Tunisia Indonesia Slovakia Italy India Bulgaria Colombia Sweden Poland Moldova Croatia Venezuela USA Romania Azerbaijan Ireland Austria Great Britain Greece Lithuania Netherlands Norway Germany Slovenia Denmark Estonia Iran Canada Kazakhstan Malta Russia Brazil Turkey
  11. He doesn't seem to want to stop, it's getting ridiculous.
  12. Nice pic of Fourcade's fall before the first shooting:
  13. After my first listen, I don't have one big favorite as usual, sadly I have 6 songs that I like a lot but I don't know which one I prefer. I'll have to listen to all the songs a few times, because sometimes you start to like or love a song after the 4th time or more
  14. I like it much more than the original A song used in 2 of my favorite TV shows so I couldn't not like it
  15. I watched the race and I really don't get why Johannes Boe always has to shoot that fast (I mean, it can be useful for many races, but not for a sprint). It's what cost him the victory or even a podium on many occasions, and he could take his time today for the standing shooting but no, he was too fast and missed 2, once again.
  16. Nice podium, finally another one for Rastorgujevs! And same for Fillon-Maillet, who had awful Winter Games. And a 'revenge' for Shipulin
  17. No, I mean a sad song with lyrics that make me think about myself (well, I don't know if it's more understandable ) But since I'm kind of a pessimistic person you're not wrong anyway
  18. Happy songs And as for the question about the song I want to be played at my funeral, I have no idea Something sad obviously, a song that defines me, but I didn't really think about that
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