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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Griff88

  1. Correct, plus I think "unique naming system" is more suitable (It's the Western standard that names need surname/family name). Interestingly, his coach and many Indonesians always refer him as "La Memo". This might be caused by difference with his real name and the officially registered one in birth certificate.
  2. No, unfortunately they won't... The mixed doubles need more than 9000 points to grab a slot. Winning the European Championships only gives 7000 points. About the ranking, 1 May is the last tournament result to be counted, 5 May is the publish date (there are some websites that provides ranking prediction if you're really desperate to know). BWF always publish rankings on Thursdays.
  3. It will be released on May 5th Leverdez and Lansac are pretty safe in Rio rankings
  4. Some of single sculls quota already confirmed: (2 for ) Men's Women's Source: 1 quota left for single scull per gender plus 3 quotas each per gender for L2X
  5. If you have a country with a "wild" parliament, this may happen. Usually PMs are the one impeached, but this the first time I ever knew a president is going to be impeached (Indonesia has done it once though, after the president tried to abolish the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly). I heard that there is a national petroleum company corruption scandal and other things that made Rouseff lost public support. They said that it is going to bring Brazil to recession on the economy... Maybe any Brazillian user can help more regarding this issue
  6. And Indonesia failed to qualify after defeated by Philippines
  7. Finally finished all 34 songs... That was tough I haven't decided on the top 12 but I have 4 candidates that will battle for top of the list in a "re-listening round".
  8. It's official.. Momota won't go to Rio Momota will get an indefinite suspension and Tago is expelled from his club plus removed from Nippon Badminton Association player list. Some sources also said that Momota will be given the chance at Tokyo 2020 though
  9. We must wait for the final decision about Momota's case, I hope he can play though
  10. [hide] Knockout Round April 1st-April 4th, 2016 6 Nations, Placement Matches, Relegation Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, winning Nation will become Women's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2016 Champion Bronze Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 4th 2016, h. 15:00, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Finland 2 Russia Gold Medal Match Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 4th 2016, h. 19:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops United States 3 Canada [/hide]
  11. PREDICTION DESIGN Start Copying Here [hide] Knockout Round April 1st-April 4th, 2016 6 Nations, Placement Matches, Relegation Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, winning Nation will become Women's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2016 Champion Semifinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 3rd 2016, h. 15:00, Sandman Centre, Kamloops United States 2 Russia April 3rd 2016, h. 19:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Canada 3 Finland [/hide]
  12. Knockout Round April 1st-April 4th, 2016 6 Nations, Placement Matches, Relegation Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, winning Nation will become Women's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2016 Champion Quarterfinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 April 1st 2016, h. 15:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Russia 2 Sweden April 1st 2016, h. 19:30, Sandman Centre, Kamloops Finland 2 Czech Republic
  13. When I was deciding for the votes in the ESC voting thread, I closed the tab in about 15 seconds after the video started.
  14. 12 points - 10 points - 8 points - 7 points - 6 points - 5 points - 4 points - 3 points - 2 points - 1 points -
  15. 35, 38, 43 >> three good looking design for me
  16. INDONESIA (Still the same entry, because I barely listen to any Indonesian song these days) ISYANA SARASVATI - TETAP DALAM JIWA Indonesian English Tak pernah terbayang akan menjadi seperti ini pada akhirnya Semua waktu yang pernah kita lewati bersamanya telah hilang dan sirna Hitam Putih perlu Janji kita menunggu Tapi kita tak mampu Seribu satu cara kita lewati ntuk dapati semua jawaban ini Bila memang harus berpisah Aku akan tetap setia Bila memang ini memang ujungnya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Bila memang ini ujung nya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa Memang tak mudah tapi ku tetap menjalani kosong nya hati Dulula mimipi kita yang pernah terjadi tersimpan tuk jadi histori Hitam putih perlu Janji kita menunggu Tapi kita tak mampu Seribu satu cara kita lewati tuk dapati semua jawaban ini Bila memang harus berpisah Aku akan tetap setia Bila memang ini memang ujungnya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa Tak bisa ntuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Bila memang ini ujung nya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Bila memang harus berpisah Aku akan tetap setia Bila memang ini memang ujungnya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa Tak bisa tuk teruskan Dunia kita berbeda Bila memang ini ujung nya Kau kan tetap ada di dalam jiwa I’d have never guessed that it would go down like this in the end All the things that we’ve been through has gone and vanished Need all the clarity Our promise awaits But we're not able to Done everything trying to find all the answers If we really have to say goodbye I'll remain faithful If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul It is not easy for me but I still go on with my empty heart Our first dream will keep to be history Need all the clarity Our promise awaits But we're not able to Done everything trying to find all the answers If we really have to say goodbye I'll remain faithful If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine If we really have to say goodbye I'll remain faithful If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul I can’t pretend we’re just fine Your world’s much different than mine If we really have to let this go You’ll always be a part of my soul
  17. Yeah.. Really unexpected results, just like Praveen Jordan/Debby Susanto. After Ivanov/Sozonov win against Lee/Yoo, I already have the feeling that the Russians will win
  18. And Cai Yun/MathiasBoe combination is not allowed by Chinese Badminton Association.. Anyway, our Indonesian hope was on Praveen and Debby but they're facing Zhang/Zhao
  19. Sameer Verma beat Ginting yesterday Jonatan and Ihsan Mustofa fought for a spot in the main draw.. And Kento Momota is already waiting
  20. Totallympics is back again and so does the lone Indonesian representative! Let's bring back the Totallympics glory!
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