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  1. WHO also said do not be misled by the numbers and figures. Some countries are not even testing their people and not doing enough test to combat the virus. WHO said seeing low numbers or low cases in certain countries can be very misleading. Some countries are not having enough testing kids to test their people and lots of cases went on untested. This is very worrying. Also how accurate are those data? Countries who are not prepared do not test their people and have low medical facilities hence cases remain low. This is really endangering the lives of their own people.
  2. WHO said that Asia countries are very slow to detect the virus and lack of awareness. In Asia only countries like China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia are doing good job with mass testing kids avaible to do the testing. The rest of the other Asia based countries are not doing enough to protect their people by doing mass testing. This itself look very worrying. Lots of cases in Asia countries go undetected and it so so dangerous.
  3. Worrying as so many cases turning up. Truth is so many countries are not prepared to face this pandemic. Lack to early detection and lack of testing lead to this virus to spread out so fast. WHO have even predicted that big countries like Indonesia should have 600,000 - 700,000 by now but lacking of testing and awareness lead to many cases going undetected and no action taken.
  4. Good luck to America. If Donald trump is elected as the president for a second term means goodbye and disasters.
  5. Stay strong to all the Italians out there. That is all I can say. I believe all the great Italians will be able to pull through these together.
  6. Well Donald Trump must have been really insane to say this.
  7. I guess who ever that is voted to be the American president will surely be a better person than Donald Trump.
  8. Well I get your meaning. 47,021 cases up till today and 4,032 death is really horrible. Guess every thing is out of control in Italy already.
  9. This is really bad news to hear. How to trace so many people from various different countries now? Best of luck I guess.
  10. You know Donald trump talked about president for life. He even jokingly said yeah China can have their president for life. Perhaps in America we too can have a president for life. I guess all the Americans must be thinking this had better not be the true. Ha ha.
  11. I am sure he will not be elected as the president anymore for the second term. I mean this is really not going to happen.
  12. Well he is really doing a bad job. All this while Donald Trump has always been saying that Americans should not worry and play down the whole thing telling the Americans it is alright. No worries we will all be fine. Look at how serious it is now in America.
  13. Hope that the Chinese Taipei players will not be infected with the virus as they are all going through the 14 days quarantine now.
  14. Thank you very much for your translation here. Glad to hear that none of the other Chinese Taipei players in the team is infected with the virus.
  15. Looks like the All England Open held recently has become the place to spread Coronavirus. Oh no. What a bad timing for this tournament indeed.
  16. Thank you very much for your translation and explanation here.
  17. @Vic Liu Need your help to translate this news as well. The news about the Taiwanese team sparring partner infected with Corona Virus. 【體壇染疫】10多歲國家隊陪練員確診!曾轉戰西德英 同團33人居家隔離待採檢 台灣昨(3/19)實施全面境管,加上歐美各國疫情持續擴大,海外留學生近日紛紛設法趕回台灣避難。中央流行疫情指揮中心今(3/20)下午在疫情記者會宣布,台灣再增27例確診,為國內出現確診者以來新增案例數最多的一天,其中19例年齡都在40歲以下。這27例多達24例為境外移入,其中有一名10多歲體育學生出國比賽染疫,前往西德英比賽返台確診。 第114例為境外移入本國籍10多歲男性,有西班牙、德國、英國旅遊史,是參加比賽的選手,今年2月16日至2月24日人在西班牙,2月25日至3月7日在德國,3月8日至3月15日在英國,3月16日至3月17日在法國轉機,返台後居家檢疫。3月17日他有頭痛、鼻塞、眼睛痛等症狀,3月18日通報,今(3/20)確診。 中央流行疫情指揮中心社區防疫組副組長莊人祥,今天新增的27例,其中案114為出國比賽,他是名體育系的學生,但進行哪一類的球類比賽還要查。據了解,這名體育系學生是國家隊陪練員,昨就醫並進行檢測,確診後已經住院。 據了解,這名陪練員所屬的國家代表隊中,都沒有20歲以下的選手,出國比賽時也沒有和該名國手住在同一間房,不過比賽時也是跟著來自世界各地的選手一起搭乘官方的接駁交通車,來往球場和飯店之間。 經查這名陪練員參與的賽事行程是羽球,對於他是否是羽球選手,莊人祥不願證實。但問及是否可能和國手戴資穎同團,莊說:「她(戴)本來就要居家檢疫」,而案114同團共有33人目前均已居家隔離,全數也都會安排採檢。 今日新增境外移入患者中還有一人年紀也很輕。第133例本國籍10多歲女性,有英國旅遊史,今年1月3日至3月14日在英國就學,返台後加強自主健康管理。3月18日出現頭痛、發燒、流鼻水症狀,3月19日通報,今確診。指揮中心表示,他出國期間沒有進入校園,另案133 是名留學生。 近期新增案例出現較多年輕族群,是否要修正疾病警告?指揮中心專家諮詢小組召集人張上淳說,新的病毒出現大家都沒有抵抗力,年齡可能是相關因素外,會不會接觸到病源也是更重要的因素。他表示,旅行團都是年紀較大者,但最近回來的都是因工作、留學而去國外的人,以青壯年較多。這些青壯年是在暴露接觸病毒環境下得到感染,有很多因素要考慮。 指揮中心指揮官陳時中說,現在這段時間回來的多是年輕人,但如果以全人口母群體來看,仍是以老年人較容易感染和重症,方向是沒有錯的。 很多年輕人沒有症狀,對社區傳播有影響嗎?張上淳表示,無症狀帶病毒者沒有完整證據證明是否會傳染,但在想像中因病毒是在呼吸道中,就學理上而言有機會傳出,但無症狀者不會咳嗽和打噴嚏,飛沫傳染機會相對少,但在呼吸道檢測出來病毒量相對高,也不排除有傳染力。(沈能元、許稚佳、唐鎮宇/台北報導)
  18. @Vic Liu Need your help to translate the content of this news below. Looks like the Korean head coach Ahn Jae Chang said the Korean players performance are affected after they heard the news of 3 audience in the stadium of All England 2020 got infected with Corona Virus. If this case is true then more trouble awaiting. There are so many spectators in All England and the whole stadium is full of spectators from various different countries sitting so close to each other. This will make the virus spread even faster mong them. Oh no. 韓國主教練爆料:聽說3名全英觀眾確診新冠 隊員士氣低落 韓國隊集體戴口罩 韓國羽毛球國家隊總教練安哉昌3月19日爆料稱,聽說上周全英公開賽現場出現了3位新冠肺炎確診病例,均來自丹麥羽毛球隊的啦啦隊。韓國隊已於3月18日回到韓國,目前正在接受為期14天的隔離觀察,選手們士氣非常低落。 3月15日全英公開賽落下帷幕後,韓國隊原本打算在海外集訓,參加接下來的瑞士、印度等幾站公開賽,但世界羽聯隨即宣布暫停3月16日至4月12日之間的所有國際比賽,韓國隊不得不提前返程。 由於歐洲疫情嚴重,想要回韓的留學生和僑民大舉湧入,韓國隊很難買到機票。韓國隊最終是經由卡達多哈轉機才於3月18日回到韓國。 韓國羽毛球國家隊總教練安哉昌表示,「由於新冠肺炎的擴散,情況非常嚴重,世界羽聯暫停了4月12日之前的所有比賽,大家感到很驚慌。計劃所有人回國後進行14天的隔離,期間不會進行任何訓練。從匈牙利回來的韓國擊劍代表隊也出現了確診病例,因此要更加小心。」 同時安哉昌還爆料稱,甚至全英公開賽現場也出現了確診病例,「聽說全英公開賽的丹麥啦啦隊中有3人確診,歐洲羽毛球選手完全沒有戴口罩,歐洲今後的情況可能會更加嚴重。」 全英賽開始前,主辦方曾表示會盡最大努力確保觀眾和球員的安全,但結果卻是現場觀眾不需戴口罩,也不用量體溫就可以進場看球。 「在英國,我們的球員們在宿舍里過著隔離生活,食物也是送到宿舍里吃的,比賽時也沒有握手,而是將雙手合十表示了對對手的尊重。」安哉昌稱目前疫情威脅著選手的健康,同樣重要的問題還有東京奧運能否正常舉行,「球員們正在按照訓練計劃進行訓練,但士氣有所下降,計劃好的一切都落空了。」 韓媒表示,在這種混亂的氣氛下,韓國女雙組合李紹希/申昇瓚、混雙這徐承宰/蔡宥玎還打入了半決賽,因此情況更加令人擔心。
  19. Then hope China badminton players get to do their check up for the virus in England.
  20. Very scary like this. The viruas is spreading every where in England and it is out of control. People in England may not even know they got the virus or not.
  21. Advice to all the various different badminton players from various different countries to go and get a medical check up done for Corona Virus as soon as possible after a sparring partner for the Taiwanese badminton team got infected with Corona Virus through Barcelona Open, Spain and All England Open, England.
  22. This also goes to show that the virus is wide spread in Spain, Germany and England without people knowing it. Those in the same bus and plane with these Taiwanese may need to be very careful. How do track all of them? This person only knew he got the virus after he went back to Taiwan and did a medical check up. Oh no.
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